Serra Leadership Webinar Welcome! Serra Leadership Webinar February 2019
Purpose: To provide information to District Governors and other Serrans in leadership positions So they in turn can pass that information on to clubs to help clubs be more effective at accomplishing the Serra Mission YOU are the FACE of SERRA!
Overview RALLY Recap (Mike Downey) NEWMAN CONNECTION (Voc. Comm) World Day of Prayer for Vocations: May 12, 2019 (Voc. Comm)
Action Items for DGs Encourage clubs to return the Vocations survey Ask clubs to appoint a Serra Foundation Rep Encourage clubs to start identifying incoming officers Email monthly Planning Calendars to your club officers Start and utilize district council meetings Create awareness of New Member Orientation (NMO) resource on website
New Member Orientation 35-minute Recorded Webinar Link: Supporting Documents to use with Webinar: Highly recommended new members watch with at least one club officer present to answer questions
Serra Rally Recap Overview Importance of Serra’s Work Membership Growth Speaker Insights about Vocations District Governor Training
Importance of Serra’s Work “There is no more important way to serve our church at present than the Serra Mission.” -- Judy Cozzens, President US Serra Serra’s work has always been important, but it especially important now with the scandal rocking our Church. Many good priests and religious have been unfairly tarred, and they need our support Pope Francis to Serrans: “WE NEED YOU!”
Membership Growth -- Judy Cozzens, President US Serra “We are marching into a desperate battle, and we need more soldiers!” -- Judy Cozzens, President US Serra The Church needs many more Serrans to accomplish the Serra Mission Membership Growth is a Top Priority!
Membership Status as of Dec. 31, 2018 Current Members: 7,663 Increase of 35 since Jan. 2018 (0.5% increase) 5 Regions showed a gain in membership; 4 Regions showed a loss of membership Table following shows annual gain or loss of members by Region & District
Membership Growth Strategy # 1 The Red Envelope Program Being mailed this week to all Serrans in US DG’s asked to get in contact with club officers to encourage them to: read the contents Answer the 10 questions View the Tom Thibideau video on Have club officers call all their members to do the same + list and contact solid Catholics about joining Serra. DG’s to follow up with Club presidents
Membership Growth Strategy # 2 Focus on New Club Start-Ups 27 New Clubs under consideration Range from ideas/recommendations to actively working with Voc. Dir. & Bishop $5000 fund/ up to $500/start-up club New Quick Start Manual for New Clubs Short and concise (12 pgs) Expect revisions as we learn more how to do this better
Speaker Insights Cardinal Colllins: “Action follows prayer” Fr. Hemrick: “Images are becoming more powerful than words” “Mystery comes through the eyes” Fr. O’Donnell: Pope to Serrans: “WE NEED YOU”
Speaker Insights (con’t) Fr. Hutton: “It is the responsibility of the WHOLE Church to pray for vocations.” Re discernment: “I tell young men many are called to be seminarians, and it may also be that God and the Church will call you to be a priest.” Fr. Davoren (former LAPD): The importance of personal surrender to the call to be a priest.
Speaker Insights (con’t) Sr. Elizabeth Therese (Carmelites): “A culture of vocations requires a culture of encounter.” Fr. Sam Ward (Voc. Dir. for LA): Young people are still open to the possibility of a vocation but they find courage in numbers (the importance of “Come & See” retreats)
Speaker Insights (con’t) Sr. Jennifer Marie Zimmerman (Srs of Notre Dame): “There is not so much a vocations crisis as there is a prayer crisis—young people do NOT know how to pray!” All on Vocations Panel: Stressed the importance and effectiveness of FOCUS volunteers on college campuses. But FOCUS needs Newman Connection to know who to contact. Student loans are a real obstacle to vocations
Speaker Insights (con’t) Christina Lamas (Exec. Dir. NFCYM): Generation Z: First totally digital generation Asks her daughter: ”Where have you seen God today?” Gen Z wants to be engaged, looking for purpose With I-phone, Gen Z can become street preachers in every corner of the globe. The power of Grandparents!
District Governor Training The District Governor Job Spring Leadership Training
The Four Essential Functions Be the “FACE of SERRA” Through your personal presence, info & service Let Clubs KNOW they belong to something BIGGER than just their club Be a CHEERLEADER to Clubs you serve—inspire! Advise v. Direct ”Servant Leadership” KNOW the Clubs you serve and your Bishops IDENTIFY and DEVELOP your replacement Job Duration: 2-5 years ?
The District Governor’s TOOL KIT A account to use for presidents’ conference calls Group email lists: Presidents in your district Treasurers in your district For each club in your district, a group email list that includes: President, Treasurer, VP’s of Vocations, Programs, Membership & Communications Ready to Go ppt presentations for club programs “Membership: Its more than Just Asking” “10 Keys to a Successful Club” District Governor’s Manual New Club Quick Start Manual
Spring Leadership Training Purpose Delivery Options Sample Content
To provide information To Inspire Leadership Development Spring Leadership Training Purpose: To provide information To Inspire Leadership Development
Inspiration Sources Speakers Readings Short vignettes from To Save a Thousand Souls (Pgs: 5 (first 3 paragraphs); 18; 17; 12 (bottom);13; 10; 8; 19; 21; 22 (quote from St. John Vianney)) Pope Francis message to Serrans 2017: “Special Friends to priests” St. Junipero Serra’s Life & example
Spring Leadership Training Delivery Options Face-to-Face full or half day sessions Webinar-based training by computer Club visits/presentations National Webinar for those who missed their district SLT session
Spring Leadership Training CONTENTS Sample Agendas (& Evaluation Forms) from prior years Sample Presentations from prior years Morie Ratuiste (PNW: F-t-F format) Mike Downey (Iowa 9E: Webinar format)
Other Items Rally ReCap IRS 990 Strategy Get approval from IRS to simplify annual filing Reinstatement of non-profit status for all clubs Priesthood Appreciation Sunday US Board approved moving to September Still need approval of Bishops and Priests groups Hope to announce date in March 2019
2019 RALLY ReCap Questions Comments Discussion
Newman Connection Keeping Young Catholic Adults connected to their Catholic faith When they go to College
Newman Connection The Link between the Catholic youth entering college with Newman Centers and Catholic campus ministries like FOCUS and St. Paul’s Outreach. But, only 10 percent of the incoming Catholic freshmen students will find campus ministry on their own…1 out of 10!
Newman Connection 80% of Students Stop Practicing their Faith at Some Point During College A key time for vocation callings! Bishops believe young people who participate in Catholic campus ministry more likely to consider vocational call Serra Club involvement: Assist with gathering and uploading student information to Newman site (information from Catholic high schools, and in 2019 to reach more public high school Seniors with parish-based recognition events.) In past three years over 150,000 students connected with Catholic College Ministries each year. Contact or 866-815-2034 x 708
Keeping Students Connected to the Catholic Church Connect. Unite. Grow.
In 2019 we need to reach out to enroll Seniors in public schools in Newman Connection
2019 Outreach to Catholic Seniors in Public Schools DGs and Club VP Vocation will be mailed NC Materials Encourage Club VP Vocations and Committee to Contact pastors: Seek their involvement to connect all Catholic Seniors with the Catholic Campus Ministry at their college by having a recognition within Mass or a separate event. Share NC materials with pastor and staff. Encourage a recognition event. Offer to provide support for an event by hosting a reception for Seniors and parents after the recognition. Art the enroll those honored in the NC program.
Newman Connection Questions Comments Discussion
World Day of Prayer for Vocations May 12, 2019 Resources: Ideas from the National Religious Vocations Conference, including message from the Vatican for WDPV for 2019 A collection of 42 wonderful prayers for vocations Many products and resources that could be adapted to World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Next Leadership Webinar July 2019 after the Serra International Convention in Mexico City Thank you for all you are doing for Serra and for Vocations!