Chapter 2 review
Demography The study of human population This includes: 1. density 2. distribution 3. composition 4. policies 5. ecumene- the part of the earth that is fit for humans to live
distributions Megalopolis- large city clusters drawing large populations Ex: Boston-D.C. in the US East Asia- about 25% South-Southeast Asia- about 20% Europe- getting smaller, mostly urban areas now South America- not very dense Global- largest regions are East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Average number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime Totals dropping worldwide, but more so in the core countries Associated with and related to sanitation, vaccinations, education for girls, access to contraceptives, etc… In LDCs- education of girls has been most central In MDCs- access to family planning has been most central
Population Pyramids
Baby Boom- cohort of individuals born in the United States between 1946 & 1964, after WW II. Baby Bust- during the 1960’s and 1970’s when women got more education, started careers and married later. Industrial Revolution- led to huge population growth in Europe, then North America, followed by Asia
Types of Density Population (arithmetic) Density- total people, total unit of measurement Physiologic Population Density- total people, total arable land Agricultural Density- total people, total amount of land used for agriculture
Malthus Malthus (early 1800s) worried about population growing exponentially and resources growing linearly.
Malthus didn’t count on… 1. new food production technology. 2. the ability to control reproduction. 3. changing roles of women
Calculating Growth Crude birth rate- number of live births per year per 1000 people. Highest in stage 1-3 countries, lowest in stage 4-5 countries Crude Death rate- the number of deaths per year per 1000 people. Highest in stage 1-2 countries, lowest in stage 3-5 countries Natural increase- births minus deaths. (does not take migration into account) Highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, lowest in Europe Carrying Capacity- the maximum number of people an area can support using all of its available resources and technology. Replacement level- having just enough births to replace parents and compensate for early deaths
Epidemiologic Transition Model Stage 1- lots of communicable diseases Stage 2- because of the medical revolution and sanitation, vaccines and clean water contributed to controlling and eliminating diseases. Refugee camps increase stage two conditions. Stage 3- non communicable diseases running around. People are more sedentary and eating more calories, diseases brought on by lifestyles Stage 4- lifestyle changes occur (exercise more, eating healthier) and there is technology to ‘fix’ and/or prevent these problems. Stage 5-’superbugs’ where we have become so dependent on antibiotics and vaccines that populations could get wiped out suddenly.
Demographic Accounting Equation To determine overall changes in demographics Births – deaths + immigration - emigration
Government Population Policies Expansive Population Policies - Encourages population growth. - Stage 4-5 countries Eugenic Population Policies - Favors one racial or cultural sector over others. - Nazi Germany Restrictive Population Policies - range from toleration of unapproved birth control to outright prohibition of large families. - China