Food Science Mrs. Moehr
Classroom Details Is your… Syllabus Signed? Student Info Sheet Completed? BOOK COVERED?
Who are you??? Number Note Card Favorite Science Area/Class Grade Male or Female Experience in Cooking (Little, Some, Lots) Comfort level in Science (Low, Med, High)
Why are YOU here??? Within your group, each person needs to write down 3 things they hope to accomplish in this class (use your textbook for assistance) BE PREPARED TO SHARE
Possibly New to You!
Fun Facts The creamy middle of a Twinkie is not cream at all but mostly Crisco, which is hydrogenated vegetable oil
Fun Facts Red dye #40 is derived chemically from coal tar
Don’t want artificial dye? All “natural” red dye is derived from cochineal, an insect native to Central and South America. Females are dropped into boiling water or crushed to kill them. From their bodies, a red substance called carminic (or kermesic) acid is extracted One million corpses = One kilogram of carminic acid
Two forms of cochineal dye Crude cochineal extract is made from the dried and pulverized bodies of the insects. Carmine is a more purified form made by boiling the dead insects in ammonia or sodium carbonate, filter, and add alum. The alum reacts with the carminic acid solution to form a bright red compound. Lime can also be added to get a shade of purple
What facts can you find? Using an iPad, cell phone, or other mobile device, as a group find interesting fact(s) about food Post on:
Assignment: Read Unit 1 Careers in Food Science: Flavor Chemist (pages 5-15) What milestone do you believe was most influential/beneficial to our country? BE READY TO DISCUSS!