FiGHt using your Strong will Persevering with a YTP program Intro – New information to share? Grant will be released. This PPT is not focused on the new RFGP. Set Stage – who is note taking? How to use zoom and raise hand feature - Who is capturing audience members and monitoring chat? P –Program – reflect on fall regionals. 7-8 slides then audience Q&A with TAPs.
Transition Where students are going What they need to get there Remember fall regionals? What comes first the chicken or the egg? Today we want to move past Transition and talk about programs, specifically YTP programs. How do and have sites moved from startup to successful sites? What help might you need to do so? (Allow participants to think about this and ask questions as we go)
What is a program? Program: a planned series of future events, items, or performances Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA): Access to free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment All schools must provide transition services What is a program? Remember fall regionals. Not a place – How do you move beyond that thought? Programs exist in school – YTP Enhances the program. How? Team Support, buy-in, data driven, grant funded – VR partnerships
Adding the Program to YTP? Youth Transition Program: Enhancement of IDEA services Grant funded Data driven Individualized Student Focused Team Support Required Programs exist in school – YTP Enhances the program. How? Team Support, buy-in, data driven, grant funded – VR partnerships
YTP is an Enhanced Transition Program IDEA Will YTP Will Ensure FAPE is delivered to any eligible student Provide shared fiscal and administrative oversite to all special programs Provide dedicated staff time and space Fund for Transition Specialists Use current best practices – Essential Program Characteristics (11 EPC’s) Build relationships & job develop Partner with Vocational Rehabilitation, Oregon Department of Education, and the University of Oregon Sometimes there are struggles within YTP Sites to find the dedicated space or allow for job development or leaving campus. These tasks are necessary and allow YTP sites to be “different” than staus quo transition programs. What might your YTP site be struggling with from the list on the right? TAPS are here to support with answers and guidance on the program. Did anyone attend summer academy – JD focus. Partner with VR? Sacred time - EPC’s review of the current grant – infrastructure… How do you get “buy in”
Think TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More IDEA \ SCHOOL TEAM YTP TEAM CORE Administrator/Principals/Special Services Director Fiscal / Budget / Controller Clerical Support Instructional Assistants IEP Case Managers General Education Teachers Special Education Teachers Student First Transition Specialist Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Administrator Secondary Members non IDEA funded Employers / Local Businesses Community Non-Profits Technical Assistance Provider Others Quote is next, then move to questions from the field and expect that field can answer these questions.
“The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t.” — Henry Ward Beecher Strong “won’t” – admins that avoid YTP. Sped Teachers that say VRC does nothing, etc. To be most successful we need to look at the team and how it can fit. How does OTSC fit in? Are all members going? Can they? Does travel allow?
Persevering With YTP: Questions from the YTP field: How have YTP programs been able to join forces and collaborate with general education classes to make YTP known and valued in the school? For example, how do you connect a general education English class and a “Tech/Printing” class to produce marketing literature for YTP?
Questions Continued As a TS I struggled with building the team and gaining “buy-in” with the belief that YTP is value added for the district. I want to work with transition classes and regular education classes to promote peer to peer learning. I would like to have Gen-ED students work with me as a job coach in school and then use that skill post graduation to continue to support people with disabilities. Has someone done this and how did you make it happen? What steps did you take?
More Questions: In a meeting with the local chamber of commerce I had to give a “tag line” about YTP. I didn’t have one ready and struggled to respond. Does anyone have a great one-liner they use to describe YTP? Other questions about how staff in the field – this one targets marketing and “buy-in” Best of the “How To” Peter uses the website and brochure template there.
Questions to CoP field: How has having a local YTP team changed the dynamics at your site?
Good Of the ORDER Wrapping it up OSTC - Call for Papers/Presenters due 12/14 OTSC - Registration is open – March 7th and 8th Grants released soon into ORPIN – Get an account if needed TAPs quiet on the subject after release