Being a Church that God can Bless
Being a Church that God can Bless
Church: a local body of believers; a group of individuals who choose to gather together for a common purpose or mission.
What does a “blessed church” look like? (Table groups)
“Being. ” Continuing; something living and active “Being.” Continuing; something living and active. It is what we are as well as what we do.
It can either go on, stand still, or slip back. It is always changing It can either go on, stand still, or slip back. It is always changing. It can be healthy or diseased.
It can attract or repel. It can be something to be desired or something to avoid.
“that God can Bless.” A blessed church is one that is graced by the presence and power of God.
God feels at home there, is welcomed there, is worshipped there, is obeyed there.
A glimpse at the blessed early church: (Acts 4 and Acts 13) A praying and praising church 2. They recognized and acknowledged the Sovereign control of God
3. They prayed specifically. 4. They were bold in seeking power to be faithful in proclaiming the Word. 5. They asked for and expected miracles.
6. They were filled with the Spirit and boldly proclaimed the Word. 7. They were unified and concerned for each others’ needs.
8. They continued to speak and teach about Jesus. 9. There was great praying that brought about great filling that resulted in great preaching. 10. There was unity among diversity.
11. People exercised their spiritual gifts and were obedient to the Spirit’s call. 12. There was great worship along with prayer and fasting. 13. They were willing to impact their world.
14. The Word and its proclamation had a central role 15. They were willing to tackle difficult ministries 16. They were willing to confront evil but knew how to encourage
17. They knew how to present a salvation message clearly 18. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and joy.
Our responsibility? Let’s check out some Biblical examples…
Adam and Eve: He expects us to be obedient… And not to hide when we blow it….
Moses: Don’t take things into our own hands 2. Recognize His holiness and our need to be holy.
3. Stop making excuses for why we are not obedient. 4. Listen carefully to the instructions God gives
Isaiah: Realize the holiness of God and our own sinfulness 2. Submit to cleansing
3. Get on with the work even though it may be hard.
Disciples at Pentecost: Work on unity and prayerfulness 2. Depend upon the Spirit for His empowerment
3. Do not grieve or quench the Spirit. 4. Keep your focus: the reaching of a lost world for Jesus.
Unity, prayer, repentance, cleansing, humility, obedience, service. Summing up the instructions: Unity, prayer, repentance, cleansing, humility, obedience, service.
God will “grace us with His presence and power” when we meet these requirements. There is no other way! What will YOUR church do?
Some Suggestions to help: Start with two things: a. an area where you are strong b. an area where you are weak.
2. Plan ways to become even stronger in the strongest area. 3. Plan ways to become strong in the weakest area.
4. Refer often to the ‘summation words’ to help guide you. 5. Get to work. This will not happen without your prayerful effort!
And don’t forget! YOU are one of the individuals who has power to change your church. Start with yourself!
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Remember to always seek the BLESSER above any of His BLESSINGS! It is HIS GLORIOUS PRESENCE that we need and seek!