INTEGRATED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IFMS 2) PROGRAMME Presentation by DPSA, National Treasury and SITA to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration/Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 23 May 2018
OVERVIEW OF THE PRESENTATION Introduction/Background: What is the IFMS? Roles and responsibilities of the three main stakeholders High level historical overview of the Programme since inception Piloting of the IFMS IFMS Programme Implementation Approach IFMS Programme Status IFMS Programme Governance IFMS Programme Funding Model IFMS Programme Dependencies SITA readiness to support the IFMS Programme
WHAT IS IFMS? The IFMS Programme, as mandated by Cabinet, is a joint initiative between National Treasury, DPSA and SITA to modernize the management and execution of “back-office” processes in the Public Service (excluding Public Entities, Local Government, Legislatures and Intelligence Agencies) in the following domains: Financial Management (FIN) Human Resource Management (HRM) Payroll Management (PAY) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Intelligence for these domains (BI)
WHY IFMS? Business improvements To facilitate ongoing financial, supply chain and human resource management improvements and reforms. To improve service delivery by standardizing and automating Public Service business processes. To process and compile data in ways that improve availability of quality information for planning, reporting and better decision making. To utilize new features that modern technology presents such as employee self service. To take advantage of global lessons learned in the management of public resources. Technology modernisation To replace ageing technology (legacy systems). To avoid increasing costs of maintaining obsolete transversal legacy systems.
KEY PROGRAMME STAKEHOLDERS National Treasury Project Sponsor Policy Ownership Financial Management (FIN)(including elements of payroll management) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Accounting Standards Manage Corporate Reference Data for SCM, FIN Manage transversal legacy systems DPSA Policy Ownership Human Resource Management (HRM)(including elements of payroll management) Manage Corporate Reference Data for HRM SITA Execution of SITA’s mandatory services e.g. Hosting service; and Technical maintenance and support over the system life cycle through the establishment of a Centre of Excellence Provide Technical advisory services Business Intelligence
HIGH LEVEL HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE IFMS PROGRAMME 2002 Budget Council approval to develop strategy to renew financial systems 2004 URS and MSP developed 2007 Cabinet informed of challenges and amended plans; acquisition/ development of modules commenced 2006 Rescheduling of project plan due to institutional and project challenges experienced 2005 Cabinet approved IFMS with hybrid solution architecture (combination of COTS and bespoke modules); Moratorium on acquisition of IFMS type systems Requirements Specifications URS Master Systems Plan MSP Commercial off the shelf COTS
HIGH LEVEL HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE IFMS PROGRAMME 2010 Implemented at 4 pilot sites in Limpopo Asset Management & HRM modules 2011 Implementation at 1 pilot site NT Procurement & Catalogue Management modules 2012 Development of Inventory module and BI phase I (Vulindlela replacement) began 2013 Development of FIN module began External reviews on IFMS commissioned On Integration: Partial integration with legacy systems: HRM module with PERSAL module and Procurement Management module (PMM) with BAS Limited integration between IFMS modules
HIGH LEVEL HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE IFMS PROGRAMME 2013 Cabinet approval to change IFMS solution architecture from hybrid approach 2014 Establishment of PMO commenced RFP 1282 (software) published 28 Nov 2014 2018 Finalize Envision phase Procure implementation services Commence with pilot site implementations Initiate and establish an IFMS Centre of Excellence Revised approach 2016 & 17 Conclude software agreement with OSM Develop implementation strategy Commenced with Envision phase (architecture design and planning) Engagements with pilot and lead sites 2015 RFP 1282 closed on 30 January 2015, bids evaluated, preferred OSM identified. Commence engagements with OSM Business process mapping exercise
Piloting of IFMS
IFMS PILOT/LEAD SITES (IFMS 1) Piloting of IFMS 1 (Hybrid solution architecture) The following departments were selected as lead (pilot) sites for the various IFMS 1 solutions: HRM: DPSA and Free State Department of Education Procurement Management Module: National Treasury and Department of Defence Catalogue Management in National Treasury Asset Management: Four departments in the Limpopo Provincial Administration One of the implications of the 2013 Cabinet decision on the revised IFMS solution architecture was that the further development and roll-out of IFMS 1 solutions would be terminated. Where these solutions were implemented, it would be maintained should the relevant departments decide to continue using it. Implementations in Free State Education and Defence were in progress but as a result of the Cabinet decision, these implementations were not completed. SITA has scaled down its support and maintenance capacity for IFMS 1 solutions in anticipation of the implementation of IFMS 2. DPSA and National Treasury continued to utilize the IFMS 1 solutions - to be phased out as soon as the IFMS 2 has been implemented. IFMS 1 HRM solution in DPSA has not been available since February 2018 due to technical challenges – currently a process is on-going to either restore the solution or formally terminate it.
IFMS PILOT/LEAD SITES (IFMS 2) Pilot and Lead sites for IFMS 2 (Single COTS ERP solution) Discussions are currently on-going to finalize the identification of the pilot sites. National Treasury and DPSA are regarded as potentially suitable pilot sites for the following reasons: Key stakeholders in the IFMS Programme – NT also the Programme Sponsor Policy owners for Financial Management, Supply Chain Management and Human Resource Management Modules Current users of IFMS 1 solutions that should be phased out as soon as possible Relatively small, well resourced departments Once the pilot site implementations have been completed, the solution will be further refined in provincial lead sites. Currently a number of departments in the Eastern and Western Cape Provincial Administrations have been identified as lead sites.
IFMS 2 STRATEGIC ROADMAP Phase 1 OSM Licences Phase 2 A Architecture Planning Phase 2 B Pilot Site Planned NT & DPSA Phase 2 C Pilot Site Planned WC & EC Phase 3 National Roll out 2017 Mid 2018 Mid 2019 2030 National Rollout Completed July 2018 - June 2019 IFMS modules Fin HRM PAY SCM BI
IFMS 2 PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH The following detail describes the phases and sub-phases in more detail: 3.1 Phase 1: Software agreement Completed with contractual agreement with Oracle (software only). 3.2 Phase 2: Focuses on the development of the Generic Template (GT) that will be used for implementation and roll-out (Pilot Sites & Lead Sites). Three sub-phases agreed: 2A: Design and Template Development ( Planned to take 7 months, November 2017 – June 2018) Planning, scope, objectives & approach Procurement of implementation services and hosting infrastructure Develop generic solution baseline - GT0 Policy owners and assigned business representatives to participate in GT0 design phases to be as inclusive as possible Phase 2B - Pilot Site Implementation, ( Planned to take 12 months, July 2018 – June 2019) Implement and Refinement of GT0 at Pilot Sites (Planned DPSA & NT) into GT1 Establish the Centre of Excellence (CoE) Phase 2C - Lead Site Implementation, (Planned to take 18 months, September 2019 – February 2021) Refinement of GT1 into GT2 at Lead Sites (Planned Eastern Cape and Western Cape).
IFMS 2 PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH (CONT.) 3.3 Phase 3: National Roll-out (To commence in April 2021) Long-term planning for Phase 3 is still not quantified, dependent on strategy and resourcing. Standard departments will implement GT2, additional requirements to be considered through a formal change process. GT2 will be expanded for the differentiated departments’ legislative requirements (e.g. DOD, SAPS, Education and Health), culminating in GT3. GT3 locked down and formal change management process in place. The implementation and hosting approach for the differentiated departments to be clarified.
PHASE 2A & 2B : PLANNED IFMS2 PROGRAMME ACTIVITIES Finalise the IFMS Programme Business Case Obtain approval of the IFMS Programme Business Strategy Finalise Architecture Blueprint, Operating Model and relevant domain strategies i.e. Data Migration, Testing, Application Extension, System Operation and Training. IFMS Programme Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Plan for Pilot sites Execute activities pertaining to the establish phase of the Centre of Excellence Budget needs and projections (MTEF) Finalise the IFMS costing and funding model Evaluate Procurement model for Implementation (National Roll-out) i.e. (SI vs Multiple SIs and/ or PPP, BBBEE) etc. Panel of Oracle Accredited Service Providers will be brought on board through SITA Transversal Term contract Capacitation of the NT IFMS Unit and the Programme Management Office Finalise the MoUs with pilot and lead sites
IFMS 2 PROGRAMME GOVERNANCE The IFMS Programme is managed using the Prince2 Methodology. The system implementation will be executed using the Oracle Unified Methodology. The Organisational Change Management will be executed following an approach and methodology principally influenced by the internationally recognised Prosci methodology, along with its ADKAR change model. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be put in place between the Programme Stakeholders and implementation site(s) indicating the roles and responsibilities of each party including budgetary responsibilities. The Programme is governed through formal governance structures and mechanisms.
PROGRAMME GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE IFMS Programme Committee Enterprise Architecture (Design Authority/Architecture Board) IFMS PMO Security Ministerial Oversight Cabinet Strategic/ Leading IFMS Steering Committee Audit Committees Risk Committee COE/ Quality Management IFMS-1 (Hybrid) (Support and Maintenance Advisory Board) Legacy Systems (BAS, Persal, Logis) Tactical/ Directing Operational/ Managing and Delivery Training Technology Business Operations KM
The diagram below depicts the work-streams within the IFMS Programme and their scope of work.
IFMS PROGRAMME FUNDING MODEL National Treasury will be responsible for funding the acquisition and implementation of the solution including the initial funding of hosting services as well as user change management services. The implementation site, might be responsible for funding some costs including: upgrading and/ or providing user access devices, network infrastructure, data (gathering and cleansing) and; logistical arrangements for user change management relating to printing and training facilities. SITA will be responsible for the establishment and operation of the Centre of Excellence, providing hosting services of the solution and also for providing functional application support and maintenance after the solution has been implemented.
IFMS Programme Dependencies
IFMS2 PROGRAMME DEPENDENCIES The success of the IFMS Programme is hugely dependent on the following: Adequate co-operation and buy-in from all stakeholders; IFMS Programme being fully capacitated with tools, processes and resources; Approval of the IFMS costing and funding model; Adequate resources and capacity at SITA for infrastructure design, specification, implementation, assurance and support; Complete architecture to be available in time to inform appropriate solution design specifications; Accurate migration of data from legacy systems.
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) Programme SITA Readiness to support to the IFMS Programme
Context of the IFMS Service Delivery Model
“As is” Programme and Project Governance Environment
“As is” Architecture and Design Environment
“As is” Implementation & Support Services Environment
“As is” Implementation & Support Services Environment (cont.)
“As is” Implementation & Support Services Environment (cont.)
CoE Education/Learning Required Capabilities
CoE HR Capacitation Approach Build Capacitate inside (utilisation of government learning credits) Re-skilling previous IFMS 1 resources Traditional Recruitment (Utilisation of Internship and Learnership programme. Buy Partnership with the OEM (Current Contracting Model) Borrow from Market (Utilisation of skills from SMMEs)
Summary of Government Learning Credit utilisation
Detailed HR Capacitation Plan For the detailed Coe HR Capacitation Plan for the IFMS CoE Establishment refer to the attached Annexure (File name: Oracle SITA Training Capacity Plan)