Health Equity in New Mexico New Mexico Association of Grantmakers (NMAG) Statewide Summit on Philanthropy Using Philanthropy to Build Greater Equity in NM October 21, 2015 Health Equity in New Mexico 10:30 – 11:45 AM Dolores E. Roybal, PhD, MSW Executive Director Con Alma Health Foundation
Learn the difference between health equity and health disparities; SESSION OBJECTIVES: Learn the difference between health equity and health disparities; Hear examples from funders and nonprofits who advance their mission through a health equity framework; and Learn what you can do to advance health equity in New Mexico.
PANELISTS: Jessica Jensen NM HEP Grants & Capacity Building Strategist Jessica Jensen NM HEP Grants & Capacity Building Strategist (Heath Equity Partnership) Santa Fe Community Foundation Anna Nelson Executive Director New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community (NMFY) Ona Porter President and CEO Prosperity Works Facilitator: Dolores E. Roybal, Executive Director Con Alma Health Foundation
Foundational Elements of Health Equity Con Alma Health Foundation Mission & Core Values Health Equity vs. Health Disparities Leadership
CORE VALUES HEALTH EQUITY LEADERSHIP - Community Self-Determination - Diversity - Evaluation (outcomes, impact & effectiveness) - Preservation & enhancement of cultural and spiritual assets HEALTH EQUITY VS. HEALTH DISPARITIES - Focus on Equity vs. Disparities - Broad definition of health - Systemic change vs. direct services - Grantmaking & Beyond - Multi-Sector/Multi-Field Approach LEADERSHIP Our People: + Diverse Board & Community Advisory Committtee (CAC) + Staff, ED +Grantees/Partners - Shared Vision & Mission -
To improve health status & access to health care Con Alma Health Foundation Building Partnerships ● Investing in Change ● Advocating for All Mission To be aware of, and respond to, the health rights and needs of the culturally and demographically diverse people and communities of NM To improve health status & access to health care To advocate for health policies that will address the health needs of all
Con Alma Grantmaking Focus: Systemic Change Systems Community Organizations & Institutions Individuals & families
Unnatural Causes Health Equity “Health equity is assurance of the conditions for optimal health for all people.” Camara Jones, Health equity concerns those differences in population health that can be traced to unequal economic and social conditions and are systemic and avoidable – and thus inherently unjust and unfair. Unnatural Causes
Healthcare is only a small part of what REALLY affects our health. Health Equity Healthcare is only a small part of what REALLY affects our health. The choices we make, our behavior, has a large impact on our health. BUT, the places where we live, work, and play - our social conditions - affect the choices we make. New Mexico Health Equity Working Group (
Differences Between Health Equity and Health Disparities Health Disparity Health Equity Any difference in health between groups of people “Health equity is the assurance of the conditions for optimal health for all people.” (Camara Jones). Some health disparities are NOT inequitable (biological differences resulting in different mortality rates between males & females). Health equity pursues the elimination of health disparities However, most health disparities are avoidable, often the result of social and/or economic conditions/policies (e.g. obesity & smoking rates between lower & upper income families). Good health requires not only the traditional approach but must also focus attention to “address the broad policy and systems environment that influences health”
What determines health status? Health Care Behavior Genetics Social Conditions
Social Determinants (Conditions) of Health: Conditions in which people are born, grow up, work, play and age. Shaped by historical decisions, economics, social policies and politics Include race/ethnicity, socio-economic status and access to opportunities.
Healthy People, Healthy Places Initiative Promoting health equity – ensuring that everyone has an equal chance at being healthy.
Healthy People, Healthy Places Funding & Collaborative Partners NEW MEXICO PARTNERS: Con Alma Health Foundation McCune Charitable Foundation NM Community Foundation Notah Begay III Foundation PNM Resources Foundation Santa Fe Community Foundation Simon Charitable Foundation ---------------------------------- Farm to Table NM Department of Health HPHP Steering Committee NATIONAL PARTNERS: Ascension Health The California Endowment Kaiser Permanente Kresge Foundation Nemours Robert Wood Johnson Fdn. Rockefeller Foundation WK Kellogg Foundation Centers for Disease Control & Prevention PolicyLink | Prevention Institute Tides Foundation
Resources & Contacts Con Alma Health Foundation Health Equity in New Mexico: A Roadmap for Grantmaking and Beyond New Mexico Health Equity Working Group Kristine Suozzi, Ph.D. Mil Gracias