Allelopathy refers to a mechanism by which a plant interacts with another by chemical compounds. The effects of this can be stimulatory, but often they are inhibitory (Rice 1984). Allelopathy is defined as the direct or indirect, harmful of beneficial effects of one plant on another through the production of chemical compounds that escape into the environment (Dabgar Y.D. and B.A. Kumbhar, 2010). Hence allelopathy is an important factor in plant ecology, because it can affect the distribution patterns of plants and at the same time often decreases the biodiversity of the ecosystem
The present experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions at the New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. The healthy weeds of Alternanthera sessilis, L were collected from agricultural fields in Parner. 10g fresh leaves and aerial plant parts of Alternanthera sessilis, L were homogenized in 10 ml distilled water. Then it was filtered through Whatman No.1 filter paper and volume was made to 100 ml with distilled water.
This solution was treated as stock solution This solution was treated as stock solution. 25, 50, 75 and 100% concentration of stock solutions were prepared for treatment. Cicer arientum L seeds of uniform size were selected and were kept in petriplates containing 25, 50, 75 and 100% concentrations of weed extracts for 12 hours. Simultaneously control was made using distilled water. 24 hrs treated ten wheat seeds were kept in sterile petriplates over filter paper at room temperature. The filter paper was moistened with 10 ml distilled water and distilled water was supplied to the seedlings uniformly, as and when required. The germination of seeds was observed upto 24 hours and root, shoot length was measured upto 144 hours at an interval of 24 hours.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The effects of the aqueous extracts of Alternanthera sessilis on the seed germination and seedling growth of Cicer arientum L. are shown in Table 1. It is clear from the observed results that, the seed germination was stimulated in 25 % concentration compared to all concentrations of test weeds and control.
However, 50% , 75% and 100% of concentration of A However, 50% , 75% and 100% of concentration of A. sessilis extracts was recorded marked inhibition in seed germination. In case of root growth response of was also positive and 25% concentration showed highest root growth compared to control.
On the other hand the response of shoot growth was somewhat parallel to root. Except 25% concentration all other concentrations of A. sessilis extract showed marked inhibition in root and shoot length, but the maximum inhibition of root length and shoot length was found in 100% concentration.
It indicates that lower concentration of A It indicates that lower concentration of A. sessilis increase the germination, and seedling growth and the higher concentration (50, 75 and 100%) of all extracts have been negative response to the growth of seedlings.
This results are similar to various other findings This results are similar to various other findings. It is observed that neem leaf extract has caused significant increase in root as well as shoot length in Trigonella seedlings over control (Aher, 2009).
Similar trend also observed by Bhat and Chauhan (2000) in Quercus spp Similar trend also observed by Bhat and Chauhan (2000) in Quercus spp. on crops of Garlwal Himalaya and Influence of leaf leachates of Pteridium and Aspidium in physiology of Mentha by Bhalerao 2001.
MacDonald Idu, (2014) observed that A MacDonald Idu, (2014) observed that A. conyzoides extracts (flower, stem, root and leaf) had a positive allelopathic effect on the germination of S. bicolor at all concentrations.
Turk and Tawara (2003) investigated the effect of aqueous extracts of B. nigra leaf, stem, flower and root plant part on germination and dry weights of hypocotyl and radicle length of 8-d old A. fatua L. seedlings over a range of extract concentrations.
Increasing the aqueous extract concentrations of separated B Increasing the aqueous extract concentrations of separated B. nigra L plant parts significantly inhibited A. fatua L. germination, seedling length and weight.
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