设计思维-应用创新 第六课 期末考试的准备
期末考试 时间: 7月14日 星期四 下午13:00–15:30 地点: Team 1-9 205教室 Team 10-18 教室 要求: 每个团队有12分钟的时间呈现团队项目,3分钟接受评委提问 PPT请于7月13日午夜之前发给teaching team,考试当天带一份copy来教室 所有团队请在12:50之前准时到达教室
START FINISH FINAL PRESENTATION STORYBOARD Team members and Agenda 1. Title Page What you’re team focused on 2. Topic/Problem Summary of what you learned with some details 3. Insights The HMW Question 4. Reframed HMW Describe the solution clearly 5. Solution Description Why does the team like this idea? 6. Supporting Evidence Share other options if appropriate 7. Options Analysis (optional) What would be the next steps? 9. Recommendation and Close Restate the HMW and Solution with evidence 8. Summarize START FINISH Can be more than 1 slide Should be more than 1 slide Can be more than 1 slide
IBM Design Thinking Challenge Presented by Team 2
How might IBM Leverage it’s sensor and processor technology to deliver solutions to the China’s Health Care Industry?
1 in 6 Preventable Premature Deaths per day is caused by Air Pollution in China China produces the largest number of Major Pollutants in the World 4,000 people die every day due to air pollution related causes 350,000 - 500,000 premature deaths each year due to negative health effects of air pollution Most common Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD): Cardiovascular diseases, Respiratory illness and Site specific Cancers are not treated on a timely manner NCD deaths could be Prevented through Early Detection and Intervention
No Clear Solution yet to address Pollution Effects and Earlier Detection Healthcare needs Since 2013, Awareness and demand has increased for anti-pollution masks Chinese shoppers spent CNY $870 million (USD $141 million) on Anti- pollution products like Face Masks and Air Purifiers in 2013 (TaoBao) 181% Increase in Mask Sales from 2012 to 2013 (TaoBao) Quality is Negligible between the most expensive face mask model, CNY $199 (USD $32.15), and the cheapest disposable mask CNY $1 (USD $0,15) Less than 25% meet quality standards In November 2015, the Air Quality in Beijing was measured 56 times over the levels considered safe by the World Health Organization
How might IBM Leverage it’s sensor technology to help people in high air pollution environments live healthier lives?
Breath Harmony A System for Early Detection and Preventive Solutions Introducing: Breath Harmony A System for Early Detection and Preventive Solutions For Chinese Healthcare Needs
SmartMask: A New Way to Breath Exhalation Sensor Breath Testing (Pollutants, Carcinogens, Glucose, SpO2, CO2, OH) Processing Unit Data Processing, Storage and Communications. Medicine/Aroma Delivery High Pressure Canister (Steroids, Aroma) Body Signal Monitors Pulse, Temperature Air Filters/Sensors External Particles Filtering Air Quality Monitoring Powered by
Extended Lifespan over Existing Alternatives Why Use the SmartMask? Improved Mechanism to Reduce Negative Health effects from Air Pollution Non Invasive Mechanism to Collect/Monitor Users’ Medical Data for NCD Early Detection. Preventive Health Care based on Personalized Data Lower Healthcare Costs (Prevention vs. Treatment Cost) Effective Delivery Mechanism for Inhaled Medications (e.g. Steroids for Asthma) Extended Lifespan over Existing Alternatives
Docking Station: Healthy Breathing Habits Pod Connector Pod Power and Data (Connection to Base Docking) Mask Connector Mask Charger – Data Transfer Modular Mask Pod Sterilization (UV Rays) Sanitation (Aroma) Usage Indicator (Personal) Communication Data Synchronization. Option to Integrate with Base Docking Adjustable Touch LCD Basic Weather and Environmental Information Data Collection, Storage and
Why Use the Docking Station? User-Friendly Interface for Users to access Environmental Information at a glance Sterilization and Cleansing of SmartMask Personalized Preventive Medical Care through User reminders for Device Usage Integration with Smart Technologies (Mobile, IoT) for Optimal Effectiveness of SmartMask Extensibility to Interact with other Home Health Care products using Existing Protocols Recharge and Alternate Data Connection Port
How does Benefit from Breath Harmony Building a Sustainable Business Model Tech Hardware Sales: Strategic Partnership(s) with Key Manufacturer(s) to Develop Breath Harmony Healthcare Products (Customization, Add-Ons) Leverage of Existing Product Lines into New Markets: CareInnovations Big Data Collection: Personal Medical Data from Breath Harmony Users Processed by Intel’s Cloud-Based Aggregator (Intel’s R&D Innovations) Sustainable Revenue Generation: Sale of Data Aggregation Services to HealthCare-related Parties (Clients). Growing Healthcare Ecosystem = BIG DATA Analytics = BIG MONEY Opportunities
Q&A Section
Remember the presentation flow… 应用创新 Remember the presentation flow… The Starting Point Your Team’s Insights Reframed HMW Question Solution and Supporting Evidence and User Feedbacks