Imperialism – the basics Beard world history 2014-2015
Different types of imperialism Type 1 – Colony Definition – A country or a territory governed internally by a foreign power Can you think of any examples?
Different types of imperialism Type 2 – Protectorate Definition – A country or a territory with its own internal government but under control of an outside power Can you think of any examples?
Different types of imperialism Type 3 – Sphere of Influence Definition – An area in which an outside power claims exclusive trading privileges Can you think of any examples?
Different types of imperialism Type 4 – Economic Imperialism Definition – An independent but less-developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments Can you think of any examples?
Imperial management methods Indirect Control Characteristics: Local government officials used Limited self-rule Goal: develop future leaders Government institutions based on European styles but may have local rules Example: US colonies on Pacific Islands
Imperial management methods Direct Control Characteristics: Foreign officials brought in to rule No self-rule Goal: assimilation Government institutions are based only on European styles
European Motives for Imperialism European Nationalism Source for Raw Materials Missionary Activity Industrial Revolution European Motives for Imperialism Markets for Finished Goods Military & Naval Bases Social Darwinism European Racism Places to Dump Unwanted/ Excess Popul. Humanitarian Reasons Social & Economic Opportunities “White Man’s Burden”