UPDATE on oiv activities Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina. Tim ryan 24 May 2016
Agenda Overview of OIV Structure Review of recent meetings and outcomes General Assembly, Mainz, Germany, July 2015 Expert Groups, Paris, April 2016 Upcoming Meeting General Assembly, Brazil, October 2016
OIV Organization Chart
General Assembly, Mainz, 2015 Resolutions Adopted
Viticulture Commission I OIV guidelines for studying climate variability of vitiviniculture in the context of climate change and its evolution OIV-VITI 517-2015
Oenology Commission II Specific methods for the analysis of grape sugar (rectified concentrated must) – Determination of meso-inositol, scyllo-inositol and sucrose OIV/OENO 419C/2015 Specific methods for the analysis of grape sugar (rectified concentrated grape musts) – Folin-cicolteau index OIV/OENO 419D/2015 Treatment of must with glutathione OIV/OENO 445/2015 Treatment of wine with glutathione OIV/OENO 446/2015 Determination of the distribution of deuterium in acetic acid extracted from wine vinegar using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) OIV/OENO 527/2015 Malolactic fermentation activators OIV/OENO 531/2015 Determination of volatile acidity in wine – Revision of the method OIV/OENO 549/2015
Health and Safety Commission IV Guidance for future research on the health effects of grape or grape juice consumption OIV/SECSAN 429/2015 Guidance for future research on the effect of wine consumption OIV/SECSAN 463/2015
Scientific and Technical Committee (CST) Greenhouse gases accounting in the vine and wine sector – Recognised gases and inventory of emissions and sequestrations OIV/CST 503AB/2015
Expert Group Meetings, Paris, April 2016 Topics DISCUSSED
General Regulatory Principles formally adopted onto the forward work program
Technology and Microbiology Topics GMO issues still under discussion Non-saccharomyces yeasts Use of Silver/Kaolin complex Treatment of musts and wines with inactivated yeasts rich in glutathione Selective zeolites to adsorb chloroanisoles
Technology and Microbiology Topics Treatment of wine with polyaspartates Enological practices permitted for dealcoholized wines Use of fumaric acid Increase limits for acids, CMC, gum arabic
SCMA (Methods of Analysis) Topics Use of Proprietary Methods—align with CODEX Phthalates in wine—no limits suggested 1H-NMR—Strong opposition Green Analytical Chemistry—Metrics? Speciation of Pb, As, Hg—Work just starting Specific methods for grape juice—jurisdiction? Nanoparticle analysis Automated methods—how to handle Potassium polyaspartate in wine
Specifications Topics Guidelines for ELISA test kits Conversion Tables for egg and milk fractions Captan- Residual definition Synthetic vs natural Tannin definitions Iron limits
Bento Gonçalves, Brazil OIV Congress and General Assembly Bento Gonçalves, Brazil
OIV Congress and General Assembly 39th World Vine and Wine Congress 23rd-27th October, 2016 Theme – “Vitiviniculture: technological advances to market challenges” Will submit paper on Wine as a Low Risk food from a microbiological perspective 14th General Assembly 28th October, 2016 Consideration of draft resolutions from the Expert Groups