Reporting Site Manager User Guide February 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting Site Manager User Guide February 2019

Dashboard View The image below shows the first page a user sees after logging into the reporting site. Within the dashboard, each area -- often referred to as "widgets" -- shows commonly referenced survey results. The Count at the bottom of the reporting page references the specific data being view at that time. When filters are applied to the data, this count will update accordingly.

Navigation Bar After logging into the reporting site, the user will start at the Dashboard view. The navigation bar on the left side of the site allows the user to keep track of which view or report they are seeing. The sub-categories within the navigation bar are dependent upon the user's reporting site setup.

Filter Functionality You can pinpoint the data of certain groups though filtering. Within the navigation bar, click on Filter Data then on New Filter. The New Filter screen will open and allow the user to select from a variety of demographics to filter their results by If the user wants to add more than one filter, use the Further Refine Filter button. Once the filter is ready, click Submit Filter. The filter information will show up at the bottom of the reporting site for reference.

Filter Functionality - Continued Users have the ability to save any filter that is created in the system by clicking the Save Filter button on the navigation bar. Saved filters can be retrieved at a later time using the Retrieve Saved Filter button. Once the user is done exploring data from a particular filter, the Clear Filter button can be used to go back to the user’s overall results. NOTE: Until the Clear Filter is pressed, any report the user views in the reporting site will only show results for the demographic group selected. Users should always reference the bottom of the reporting site where the Count is displayed to ensure understanding for the data being viewed.

Completion Rate Widget Dashboard View Completion Rate Widget The Completion Rate widget on the Dashboard allows the user to quickly view the overall percentage of employees who have gone all the way through the survey and hit complete. Other information available is the number of invited employees and the average time to complete the survey. Note: Partial completes are included in all reports. If an employee has not yet hit the “complete” button at the end of survey but has started the survey, their information is included in respondent number next to “count” at the bottom of the reporting site. Click the “See More” at the bottom left of the Completion Rate widget to dive deeper into the data.

Favorability Report The Favorability Report shows results for each individuals survey question (under the Questions tab) and category (under the Categories tab). % Favorable scores: The proportion of respondents who selected a favorable response (Agree or Strongly Agree). % Neutral scores: The proportion of respondents who selected a neutral response (Neutral). % Unfavorable scores: The proportion of respondents who selected a unfavorable response (Disagree or Strongly Disagree). Click the symbols at the top of each column within the report to sort the data by ascending or descending order.

Favorability Report - Action Planning The Action Planning pencil icon ( ) allows users to select any question in the Favorability Report and create an action plan against it. After clicking the pencil icon, the Action Planning tool opens and allows the user to create their action plan; identify two things they will do about the issue and three dates they commit to talking about these actions and progress against their action plan with their team. Clicking the Actionable Insights button takes users to a screen providing them with suggestions and resources to help them with developing an effective action plan against any question in the survey.

Favorability Report - Wrench Icon The wrench icon ( ) next to each question on the Favorability report highlights important positive and negative attributes associated with survey questions. Attributes displayed by the wrench icon can be turned on or off using the toggle which appear by clicking on the eye icon ( ). A gold wrench indicates that the question is a driver of engagement. Green wrench icon numbers indicate the number of positive attributes associated with a question. Red numbers indicate the number of negative attributes. Hovering over the wrench icon opens a pop-up box which describes the attributes associated with each question.

Trend Report The Trend Report displays results for each question and category for the current survey as well as past surveys where matching questions were asked in past surveys. The percent change (increase or decrease) compared to the prior survey is shown within the parentheses next to the Favorability score.   The default color coding indicates whether the increase or decrease in score since the previous year is statistically significant. Color coding can be changed to indicate outliers, or reflect relative or absolute comparisons, by selecting from the color coding drop-down list.

Comments Report The Comments Report gives users the ability to read through each individual comment or conduct key word or theme searches via the search box in the upper right hand. If more than one open-ended question was asked in the survey, a user can use the minus symbol (-) to minimize the list comments for the first question and view comments for questions listed below.

Comments Report - (Continued) The Thematic Analysis tab shows the number of comments left in response to each open-ended question which referenced each of the themes listed down the left hand side of the report. The Word Cloud tab displays the word frequency results shown in the previous tab in a word cloud format. Users can select to display 1 word, 2 word or 3 word combinations within the word cloud. The Word Frequency shows the most commonly used single words and two/three word combinations.

Demographic Crosstab The Demographic Crosstab report gives the user the ability to split out results by demographic and compare results for demographic groups side by side. Demographics can be selected by picking from the demographic selection dropdown list at the top left of the report. Type: Default type is Evaluation by % Favorable Color Coding: Default is Relative colors (red, orange, yellow, greens; key of colors above graph for reference Column Ordering: Ability to change how columns are ordered. Selection Categories: Select all or a specific categories of questions to display in the demographic crosstab.

View Action Plan The View Action Plan tool gives users access to an overview of all their action plans that have been created. Reviewing your action plans: This tool will help a user to review all their action plans and make edits if needed. You can also delete an action plan using this tool. Completing an action plan: To mark a plan as complete, click on the edit button to the far right. From this screen you can make updates or check the completed check box to mark it complete.