Music fade in Thomas Dolby “She Blinded Me With Science.”
Foundations of Biomedical Science Program Walt Whitman High School: Academics, Practical Experiences, and Service in Biology, Medicine, and Health New for 2018-2019 Sign up for the FBS Program here. Welcome to the Foundations of Biomedical Sciences Program at Walt Whitman High Schools This presentation will introduce an exciting new program for 2018, tell you some of the highlights, outline requirements, and since it is new, review what areas we are still working on. We are putting together this presentation for those students and parents that want to learn more but cannot attend one of our presentations. Pause at any time to read the text on these slides more carefully and fully.
Walt Whitman Foundations of Biomedical Science Program Announcement December 2018 We are happy to announce the start of a new program for students interested in a career in biomedicine. The Walt Whitman Foundations of Biomedical Sciences Program will provide a strong academic and practical foundation for students who want to pursue careers and further their study in medicine and biomedical science. What is the Foundations of Biomedical Science? The program includes a sequence of core science classes and practical experience that will prepare students for future study in medicine, nursing, bioengineering, physical therapy, and more. The program is open to all student, including Seniors in their final semester. If you are interested and want to learn more take a look at the documents on the Whitman Science webpage. Lunchtime Panel of College Science Students January 11, 2019. Our kickoff event will be a lunchtime panel on January 11 featuring Whitman alumni who are currently science majors in college. We still have room for more panelist if you know any college students who are science majors that are home on break. Please forward this link to anyone you think may be interested.
Sign up for the FBS Program here. Biomedical Speaker Series? For the spring semester we will offer lunchtime and after school guest speakers on topics related to medicine and biomedical sciences. We need your help and expertise! If you work in a medical field are willing to be a guest speaker for this program please use this link for more information and to sign up. We would like a variety of professions represented throughout the year. Please contact Don DeMember, Science Resource Teacher for more information or if you cannot access any of the link above. Sign up for the FBS Program here.
Proposed Program Vision: The Walt Whitman Foundations of Biomedical Sciences (FBS) Program provides a strong academic and practical foundation for students who want to pursue careers and further their study in medicine and biomedical science. Beginning Winter of 2018 for students in grade 9 to 12. Open to students in Whitman’s attendance area who are in good standing. Read FBS Vision. A lot of what will happen in the FBS program will be dependent on how many students are interested and what resources are developed by our staff and community members. As we start this program all students who are in good academic standing are eligible to participate. Students will need to maintain good grades and complete the required outside of class requirements to stay in the program.
Overview Core Academic Classes. 5 Core classes, 6 credits. Advanced Electives. 1-2 classes such as Biotechnology, or a Science Internship. Practical Experiences that begin in 9th grade and progress in rigor and depth through Senior year. We will phase in more out of class experiences each year. Seniors this year can participate and create a portfolio. More details in Feb 2019. The program will encompass two areas; academics classes and practical experiences. We have worked out most of the details with the academic piece but there are still many details to be determined with the practical experiences that will happen outside of the classroom.
Background Need for a framework for academic and practical experiences Interest of our students. Proximity to National Institutes of Health and high quality local hospitals. Variety of expertise of staff. Community support and experiences in medicine and health. We felt there was a strong need for a program that addressed our students’ desire to learn more about health, medicine, and advanced biological topics. Also our community has a vast wealth of information and opportunities that they have shared in the past in these areas. We hope to develop partnerships with individuals and organizations around Bethesda and the D. C. area to help our students learn and grow.
Career Foundation Upon receiving a certificate of completion of the FBS program students should be prepared for college or further study in fields related to health and medicine.
Academic Program Core Courses Advanced Electives Biotechnology - new for 2018-2019 Future offerings Now we will take a look at the academic classes associated with the program.
Core Academic Classes Grade of B or better is expected Core Classes (6 credits) Biology - 9th grade Chemistry - 10th grade Physics - typically 11th grade Anatomy and Physiology - 10th or 11th grade AP Biology double period (2 credits) - 11th or 12th grade This is our typical program but there is lots of flexibility. Student can double up and take two science classes in the same year if it fits in their schedule with other required classes.
Advanced Electives (1- 2 credits) Biotechnology (first offered 2018-2019) Molecular Biology (first offered 2019-2020, dependent on staffing) Science Internship - single or double period AP Chemistry double period - 2 credits Public Health (first offered 202?, dependent on staffing and interest) Biotechnology and Bioengineering (B&B) will be our first new elective course as part of the FBS Program. Students will take a project-based approach to learn about: 1) Human Factors Engineering, 2) DNA and Protein Synthesis, 3) Treatment of Disease, and 4) Stability and Change: Bionics and Prosthetics.
Practical Experiences Guest speakers Experiences in the community Student products Besides classes there are practical experiences and requirements outside of the classroom.
Guest Speakers Requirements to be determined. Biomedical Speaker Series. Periodic lunchtime and after school speakers. Q & A with health professionals. Students will write and reflect on what they have heard and learned. A couple of times each quarter we will offer quest speakers from the Whitman Community, local governments, hospitals, and universities to speak to students about their work related to medicine and health. Most will be during lunch times but some may be held after school. With each
Practical Experiences Under Development. May include... Attend Seminars and speakers from medical professionals Volunteer service in health related fields Shadowing and observing bioscience professionals Summer Science Experience - programs with higher education and research. This spring we will look into developing opportunities for students such as the ones listed on this slide. More information on these will be shared later this year and wlll probably change over time.
Student Products Students will develop an electronic portfolio including Reflections on speakers and experiences. 1-3 Artifacts from classes Other items: TBD Senior Project Write-up of research or practicum Presentation of final projects Presentation of portfolio In all activities that students complete there will be an opportunity to capture what they did in writing and reflect upon that experience. These reflections will be kept in a student portfolio. The format and software to be used has not been decided yet. Bottom line: students should keep everything associated with this program until we make the decision on storage and format of student work.
What it might look like for students. Sample schedules - fitting everything in Sample practical experiences - still in development The following slides have some sample student schedules. Students will work with the coordinator and their counselor to make sure the meet graduation requirements, their academic goals, and requirements of the FBS Pogram.
Sample Schedules 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Academic Classes - Sample 1 Typical Course Load Biology Chemistry Anatomy & Physiology AP Bio double period Physics Molecular Bio Academic Classes Sample2 - Typical Course Load Biotechnology Take a look at these sample schedules. Note that there is flexibility in what classes students take as well as when they take them. The courses to not need to all be at the Honors or AP level. We want to include and welcome students who might be thinking about a career in a healthcare field who might not be the top student in middle school or early high school.
Sample Schedule for entering science competitions such as the Regeneron Science Talent Search 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Academic Classes - Sample 3 - Science Competition Focus Biology Chemistry Anatomy & Physiology AP Bio double period Internship AP Chemistry Internship & enter science competitions Maybe Physics For 17 out of the last 20 years Whitman has had a semi-finalist in the Regeneron/Intel/Westinghouse Science Talent Search Competition. A majority of these winners were in fields related to biological research and human health. Many of these students started their internships in 11th grade so they had enough knowledge and experience to complete their research projects before their Senior year. This is what their schedule typically looks like.
Practical Experiences - DRAFT Will be reviewed during Spring of 2018 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Practical Experiences Guest Speaker Attendance 4 per year Guest Speaker Attendance Additional requirement TBD Shadowing and Observing Bioscience Professionals Internship and/or Write up of research project. This is an initial draft of some of the ideas we have been discussing for the practical experiences. More to come on this topic as ideas are finalized.
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