Means of countering hacking and cyberattack and ways of reducing their risks
Protect Your Ecommerce Site From Hacking and Fraud Conduct a security audit. System alerts for suspicious activity. Layer your security. Don't store sensitive data. Require strong passwords. Use two-factor authentication. Make sure you have a DDoS protection and mitigation service.
1 Impacts of DDoS Cyber Attacks on Your Business
What Is a DDoS Attack? Definition: a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to bring down networks, Web-based applications, or services by overwhelming these resources with too much data or impairing them in some other way. According to the results of a study conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B international, a DDoS attack on a company's online resources might cause considerable losses - with average figures ranging from $52,000 to $444,000 depending on the size of the company.
EVERYDAY THERE ARE OVER 3,000 DDoS ATTACK LAUNCHED. Revenue loss Downtime affects your bottom line. Based on industry surveys, the average cost of downtime is over $300000 per hour depending on the size of the company Productivity loss When critical network systems are shut down, your workforce’s productivity comes to a halt. Reputation Damage Your brand suffers if customers can’t access your site or become casualties of a data breach. Theft Attacks are becoming more advanced and now include stolen funds, customer data, and intellectual property. EVERYDAY THERE ARE OVER 3,000 DDoS ATTACK LAUNCHED.
Here are the 3 most common attack objectives: Understanding Your Attackers Many businesses will at some point experience a DDoS attack. lt is important to realize is that there is usually a purpose behind these attacks. Here are the 3 most common attack objectives: PROTESTING Attackers use DDoS attacks to make a statement about a particular cause or issue. These types of attacks tend to be targeted and are usually well thought out. ESPIONAGE These types of attacks are looking to affect your business and disrupt your services. This attack can also be used to distract from another attack. EXTORTION Extortion attacks are used to extort money from businesses, usually involving a threat of shutting down major functions of a business.
What You Need to Do? Despite these pernicious threats, many firms still fail to implement a proper protection strategy. Or continue to use an “on premise” approach that no longer works in today’s ever-changing cyber environment. The best way to protect your critical network infrastructure is to see these threats before they affect your organization, or at least possess the ability to quickly respond to them. HIGH NETWORK CAPACITY Datacenter network capacity has the ability to provide up to 100TB of bandwidth. that can stop DDoS attack before it grows bigger. A DOMAIN LEVEL PROTECTION domain level protection safe your whole online business from any type of DDoS attacks. AUTOMATED DDOS PROTECTION Active solution routes your traffic through scrubbing center, diverting disruptive attacks away from your server, while preventing downtime.
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