Delivering Udderly Ridiculous Service Presented by Dr. Jim Black
The Chronicle of Higher Education News Blog “Customer service isn’t a science – but it’s also not alive and well on most campuses. Maybe if enrollments drop campuses will figure out that students deserve to be treated with reasonable courtesy and consideration, and not subjected to arbitrary processes that do little but reinforce the control the institution exercises over students. Oh – and students should have access to campus services and processes online, like the rest of the world figured out 10 years ago.”
The Service Hierarchy Meeting expectations Meeting desires Anticipating needs
Meeting Expectations The secret to meeting student expectations is effectively managing moments of truth we have with them every day.
Meeting Expectations
Meeting Expectations Be student development-centered Act as one institution Provide accurate, timely information Deploy a knowledge management solution Ensure reliable and consistent service levels
Meeting Desires
Meeting Desires Service Economy Experience Economy
Harley Davidson does NOT sell motorcycles... What they sell is the ability for a 43 year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns, and have people be afraid of him.
Disney does NOT sell rides... What they sell are memories and experiences… the Tower of Terror… character breakfast… clean amusement parks… cast members, etc.
Meeting Desires Speed Convenience Customization Control Connections with Others High Tech and High Touch
Anticipating Needs
Anticipating Needs EASY
Anticipating Needs Get inside their heads Imagineer Proactive communications Prevention-focused Systems thinking Service recovery plan
Examples of Ridiculous Levels of Services Fort Lewis’ yellow bag Quinsigamond’s registration notification UNCG’s birthday wishes Slippery Rock’s rocks Confederation’s Respect Campaign Duke’s MBA admit packet Villanova’s new student welcome High Point’s concierge service
Ridiculous Service is… Memorable!