Do Now What are the first 5 things that come to your mind when you think of Africa?
Storytelling in Sub-Saharan Africa Mr. Wood World History 101
Essential Question and Standard What is oral story-telling and why has it been so important to Western African Society ? What is a Griot/Griotte, what are their duties and what does it take to be one? 11.10.6 C- Identify oral story-telling and song-making as an integral part of African society
Objective College Ready Students Will Be Able To: CRSWBAT: Take notes on the important details of a college style lecture Compare notes with a peer and exchange important information Explain how Africa is a massive continent with numerous different cultures Explain what is the West African Oral Tradition and the role of the Griot
Welcome to the Ivy League! Before we to Africa, lets go to Yale and listen to a lecture on Rome! Take notes in your notebook of the lecture the best you can!
What is Sub-Saharan Africa? Many different Climates Many different countries
West African Oral Tradition Written History – Not traditional Was written in Arabic + later French + English Storytellers epics
What is a Griot? Historian + Musician Advisors to kings 12th - 20th century Recited history of kingdom
Ticket Out 1. Watch and listen- 2. Write 2-3 details about how the following song/story is in the Griot tradition.
Do Now 1. What is a Griot? 2. Describe West African storytelling.
Objective College Ready Students Will Be Able To: CRSWBAT: Take notes on the important details of a college style lecture Compare notes with a peer and exchange important information Explain the duties and jobs of a Griot/Griotte
What were the jobs and duties of a Griot/Griotte? Keeps record of collective heritage + culture. Use music to tell stories Could last hours- even days! "when a griot dies, a library has burned to the ground."
What does it take to be a Griot or Griotte? Inherited position Great memory + musical talent Male and Female (Griotte) 16:40
Test for Next Class You test will consist of Three Questions: 1. Explain what is the West African oral tradition (2-3 details) 2. Define what is a Griot or Griotte? (2-3 details) 3. What are the jobs and what does it take to be a Griot or Griotte? (3-4 details)