IE 429 Discrete Systems Simulation Example 5 – Travel Delay Example 6 – Travel Station Group 7: Tamara Vail David Trigg Chad Creason
Outline Travel Delay-Example 5 Travel Station-Example 6 Example Problem
Travel Delay
Features of Travel Delay Same output as travel process-example 3 Uses “Delay” from advanced process panel instead of “Process” from basic process panel Example: time to travel
Creating a Travel Delay When creating a travel delay use the Delay function found in the Advanced Process tab.
Entering the Delay Time
Alternate Way for Delay Entry
Travel Station
Features of Travel Station Same output as travel process-example 3 and travel delay Uses “Station” and “Route” from advanced transfer panel Example: less connections to be made Arena
Creating Travel Station’s When creating a travel station use the Station function found in the Advanced Transfer and use the Route function to get from one station to the next.
Inputting Station Info.
Inputting Route Info.