MICROSOFT WINDOWS IN STOCK Retail File February - March 2019 MICROSOFT WINDOWS IN STOCK P/N: KW9-00139 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 HOME 64BIT ENGLISH 1PK DSP OEM DVD RRP: €141 P/N: FQC-08929 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 PROFESSIONAL 64BIT ENGLISH 1PK DSP OEM DVD RRP: €179 The Best Windows yet Windows 10 is designed to go with you seamlessly from one device to another. It's fast and responsive. You even get free chat or phone support from real people. With Windows 10, it’s easier than ever to do great things. Windows 10 offers more safety for your device, with features like Windows Hello and always-enabled free updates. Gamers experience best-in-class gameplay with Broadcast and Game Mode. And with built-in apps for 3D creation, photos, music, movies, maps and more - Windows 10 Home brings you more creativity and productivity than ever before. Licensed for 1 PC or Mac. Right for business Join your Domain. You can connect to your business or school Domain or Azure Active Directory to use network files, servers, printer and more. Enhanced encryption. Get additional security with BitLocker to help protect your data with encryption and security management. Remote log-in. Windows 10 enables you to log in with Remote Desktop to sign in and use your Pro PC while at home or on the road. Virtual machines. Create and run virtual machines with Hyper-V so you can run more than one operating system at the same time on the same PC. Your apps in the Store. Windows 10 lets you create your own private app section in the Windows Store for convenient access to company applications CODE DESCRIPTION RRP FQC-00134 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL RETAIL UPGRADE DVD ENGLISH 289.00 € GLC-00181 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE RETAIL DVD ENGLISH GLC-00183 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE RETAIL UPGRADE DVD ENGLISH Call now on: Fax your order on: Mail on: Prices, promotions, specifications, availability and terms of offers may change without notice. Correct prices and promotions are validated at the time your order is placed.Despite our best efforts, a small number of items may contain pricing, typography, or photography errors. Recommended retail price is not binding and is only mentioned for information purposes. Final price is given by our resellers. Recycling fees, delivery and installation charges are not included. VAT is included. Products' warranty is the warranty given by the. manufacturer