Cardiovascular Disease


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Presentation transcript:

Cardiovascular Disease Health Science Mr. Sheldon

What is it? Cardiovascular System Blood, Blood Vessels and Heart Part of the Circulatory System (Cardiovascular & lymphatic system) Brings oxygen, nutrients & antibodies to each cell in the body and rids the body of waste. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) “Progressive damage to the heart and blood vessels” – Holt Health

Circulatory System

Blood Plasma – liquid material of blood that carries blood cells and platelets (95% water). Red Blood Cells – Transports oxygen to cells and removes carbon dioxide. White Blood Cells – protect the body against pathogens (white cells increase with infections). Platelets – initiate the process of blood clotting.

Blood Vessels Arteries – carries blood away from the heart. Coronary Arteries – provide blood to the heart muscle itself Veins – transports blood back to the heart. Capillaries – thin blood vessels that exchange oxygen and Carbon Dioxide with surrounding cells. Plaque – fatty build-up on the walls of blood vessels.

The Heart 4 Chambers Right Atrium Right Ventricle Left Atrium Left Ventricle “Cardio Pulmonary Circulation” – circulation of blood between the heart and lungs.

How it works Blood travels through the heart one direction only. Vena Cava Right Atrium Right Ventricle Pulmonary Artery Lungs Pulmonary Veins Left Atrium Left Ventricle Aorta Body

Keeping the Heart Healthy! Get Plenty of Exercise Eat a healthy diet Keep your heart clean and drug free People who don’t follow this advice often develop some type of CVD.

Types of CVD Atherosclerosis – fat and cholesterol clogs blood vessels. Main cause of all CVD. Arteriosclerosis – “hardening of the arteries” because of plaque. High Blood Pleasure – damages inner walls of arteries. Accelerates atherosclerosis.

Blood Pressure “Force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries” Blood pressure is at its highest when the ventricles contract – “Systolic” Blood Pressure is at its lowest when the heart rests – “Diastolic” Your blood pressure is read as your Systolic Pressure over your Diastolic Pressure. Ex. “120 over 80”

What is your Blood Pressure? Systolic Normal <120 Warning 120-139 High Blood Pressure Stage 1 140-159 Stage 2 160+ Diastolic Normal <80 Warning 90-89 High Blood Pressure Stage 1 90-99 Stage 2 100+ sphygmomanometer

CVD Coronary Heart Disease – the heart does not receive oxygen and nutrients because of blockage in coronary arteries. Heart Attack – total blockage of the coronary artery. Causes death of heart tissue. Stroke – A blockage in an artery that cuts off blood supply to part of the brain.

Heart Attack Warnings Pain, pressure or squeezing in the chest that lasts several minutes or goes away and comes back Pain the arm, back or jaws Shortness of breath Cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness

Stroke Warning Signs Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg especially on one side of the body. Confusion, trouble speaking, understanding or seeing in one or both eyes. Loss of balance or coordination Sudden severe headache with no known cause

Risk Factors What are risk factors? “Medical conditions and lifestyle practices that can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke” 2 Types of Risk Factors Controllable & Uncontrollable

Risk Factors You Can’t Control Increasing Age Heredity Race (?) Previous Heart Attack or Stroke Gender

Risk Factors You Can Control, Treat or Modify High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Tobacco use (4X) Overweight & Obesity Physical Inactivity Drinking & Drugs

Results of CVD Cardiovascular Diseases are the #1 cause of death for Americans. 950,000 Americans die from CVD each year – 1 every 33 seconds. 500,000 are female 150,000 are under the age of 65 – “Premature deaths”

Costs 61 Million Americans have some form of CVD Coronary Heart Disease is the leading cause of disability for working adults. Cardiovascular Disease accounts for 351 Billion Dollars in expenses in the United States. 209 Billion for Health Care 142 Billion in lost productivity.