The Cardiovascular System
The Heart The heart is a muscular organ that is responsible for pumping blood to all parts of the body
The Circulatory System Functions Transport gases, nutrients, hormones, and wastes Immunity: Fight Infection Regulate body temperature Major Organs: -Heart -Blood Vessels
2 way Circulation There are two circulatory pathways 1. Systematic Circulation 2. Pulmonary Circulation
Left Heart Chambers: Systemic Circuit Systemic Circulation involve the flow of blood rich in Oxygen from the left heart chambers to other parts of the body through the Aorta (largest artery of the heart). Left Atrium Receives O2-rich blood from Pulmonary Veins Left Ventricle Receives blood from Left Atrium via bicuspid valve Pumps blood into aorta to body by the arteries. First click on the video and have students take guided notes. Next, they can put their knowledge to the test by completing the attached worksheet on the anatomy of the heart. The two activities should take no longer than 30 minutes.
Right Heart Chambers: Pulmonary Circuit Pulmonary circulation involve the flow of blood poor in Oxygen from the Vena Cava to the right chambers into the lungs. Right Atrium Receives O2-poor blood from body via IVC, SVC by veins. Right Ventricle Receives O2-poor blood from right atrium through tricuspid valve Pumps blood to lungs by the Pulmonary artery to pick up oxygen First click on the video and have students take guided notes. Next, they can put their knowledge to the test by completing the attached worksheet on the anatomy of the heart. The two activities should take no longer than 30 minutes.
Summary of Vascular Circuits Systemic ( top part of body) Pulmonary ( heart to lungs) First click on the video and have students take guided notes. Next, they can put their knowledge to the test by completing the attached worksheet on the anatomy of the heart. The two activities should take no longer than 30 minutes. Systemic (lower part of body)
Pulmonary Arteries carry deoxygenated blood back to the lungs. Right Deoxygenated LEFT Oxygenated
Inferior Vena Cava
Types of blood cells Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes): Carry oxygen. Contain hemoglobin White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)- Fights disease Platelets (Thrombocytes) – Clot the blood Plasma: Clear liquid in which the blood cells are suspended and carries glucose, proteins and waste.
Carry Oxygen. Contain hemoglobin. Blood Clotting Fight Disease
The Vessels The Vascular System is made up of many connective tunnels through which blood flows The vascular system is made up of three main types of blood vessels: Arteries Capillaries Veins
Arteries Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood, rich in oxygen, from the heart to other parts of the body. The large arteries have thick walls of elastic-like tissue that enables them to withstand the blood pressure created by the heart’s beating.
Capillary Bed Capillaries are tiny, thin-walled blood vessels that connect arteries to veins and are located in all body tissues. Capillaries are so small in diameter that blood cells pass through in a single file.
Capillary Action CAPILLARIES ALLOW FOR: nutrients, oxygen, and water to diffuse out of blood to the tissues. Waste products, like carbon dioxide, diffuse from the tissues into the blood.
Veins Veins are the blood vessels that return blood to the heart from all parts of the body. Veins have valves that aid the return flow of blood and prevent the blood from reversing flow.
Summary Arteries (aa.) Veins (vv.) Direction of flow Blood Away from Heart Blood to Heart Pressure Higher Lower Walls THICKER: Tunica media thicker than tunica externa THINNER: Tunica externa thicker than tunica media Lumen Smaller Larger Valves No valves
What do we mean by blood pressure? Blood pressure is a measure of the force with which blood pushes against an artery wall. ARTERIES ARTERIOLES CAPILIARIES HEART Because blood is being pumped, it will exert pressure on the blood vessels As blood travels through the blood vessels, it’s hitting against the inner walls of these vessels This exert a pressure on the blood vessels ….called BLOOD PRESSURE Heart beat send blood out to the body via blood vessels
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) 120/80 Systolic-(Contracts)Squeezing Diastolic- Resting Contractions of the Ventricle are responsible for Blood Pressure 120/80 sphygmomanometer
Constrict- Narrow Dilate-Widen
Factors affecting blood flow Blood Vessel Diameter Blood viscosity Total Vessel Length
Factors affecting blood flow Blood Vessel Diameter Blood vessel diameter: Anything that constrict blood vessels will increase resistance Anything that will dilate blood vessels will decrease resistance
Factors affecting blood flow Blood Viscosity Blood viscosity is the measure of thickness of blood. RBC is the largest of the blood components More RBC means more thickness, more resistance on blood vessels therefore, slower blood flow Less RBC means less thickness, less resistance on B.V. therefore, faster blood flow If blood viscosity increases with added RBC, which item you think would have the most concentration of RBC?
Factors affecting blood flow Blood Vessel Length Total Blood Vessel Length Longer the blood vessel, the longer it will take for blood to travel and the greater the pressure needed to push blood through Obesity adds to overall total vessel length. More mass means more blood Vessels needed to cover
1. Which of the following factors would most directly affect blood flow through the circulatory system? A. blood pressure B. blood sugar C. respiratory rate D. outside temperature
What causes blood pressure? A. cholesterol in the blood B. stress that exercise puts on heart muscle C. contraction of the ventricles in the heart D. removal of oxygen from the blood
. The rate at which blood flows through the human body changes in response to many factors. Which statement describes one of these factors and its effect on blood flow? A. A high viscosity of blood causes an increased resistance in the blood vessels and leads to slow blood flow. B. A low blood pH decreases the rate of diffusion through the blood vessels and leads to slow blood flow. C. The changing of the shape of red blood cells to a crescent shape decreases resistance and lead to a faster blood flow. D. The narrowing of blood vessels increases pressure and leads to a faster blood flow.
Cardiovascular Disease Caused by the build up of cholesterol in the arteries, restrict blood flow. Atherosclerosis Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) Stroke
Atherosclerosis Buildup of fats and cholesterol on the artery walls (plaque), which can restrict blood flow. The plaque can burst, triggering a blood clot.
Atherosclerosis What are some effects on blood flow?
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) When a cholesterol plaque form on the side of the artery reducing blood flow if it burst then reduce blood flow. Therefore, heart muscle cannot receive blood, so the heart cannot pump properly
Stroke Stroke is caused by a blocked blood vessel or bleeding in the brain
Which lobe?
Effects of Exercise 1. Your heart becomes stronger 2. Increases Heart Rate 3. Blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow. - carry more oxygen - remove carbon dioxide 4. As you exercise blood is directed to your muscles.
Myocardio Infarction
What I need to know: Blood Pressure is caused by the constriction of the ventricles. Blood flow is affected by blood pressure. As blood pressure increases , blood flow decreases. Blood Pressure can increase from stress or nervousness. Atherosclerosis is the build up of plaque in the arteries. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Bleeding can lower the blood volume. Bloods viscosity slows the flow in the blood vessels. Blockage of Coronary arteries can cause a heart attack.
R-EOC ________________________________ MA-__________ CA-________ Bell Ringer # 2 Which line in the graph above best illustrates an effect of the carbon dioxide level in the blood on breathing rate before, during and after a period of exercise? A. B. C. D. R-EOC ________________________________ MA-__________ CA-________