Amygdala: Your brain’s Emotional Elephant Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Instructions for Presenter: Read caption. Has anyone ever heard of the Amygdala? This is an almond-shaped mass just above your ear and deep in your brain. Scientists have learned a 5-Ton Elephant that wants its way.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) The Tug-Of-War Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Frontal Lobes Reasoning that tempers emotions: “FREE-WON’T! VS. The Amygdala is often in a tug-of-war with your reasoning center which is in the front of the brain. Your Amygdala is the center of your “will”…or your desires and feelings. We call it the center of “willpower”. Any one ever heard of that term? The Front Lobes are the center for your logic, your reasoning. It loves to say to you “You SHOULD do this”. Ever talk to your self and had a tug-of-war between what you should do and what you just “feel” like doing? That’s this tug-of-war. It happens to all of us. Amygdala Emotions & Connects Brain with Senses: “FREE-WILL”
Who wins in a Tug-of-War with a 5-ton Elephant? Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Your feelings are very strong and just like a 5-ton Elephant. On the top of the elephant is a little rider which is the cortical reasoning center. In a Tug-of-War with an elephant who wins? (The Elephant.) Let’s watch this Video of an elephant in Sri Lanka to remember just how strong our emotional center, the Amygdala is… Clip: Let’s see what happens in a far off island called Sri Lanka…..
When is it hard to control your emotions? Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Draw a cartoon Tug-Of-War: Rider loses! 3 frames Elephant “emotion” and Rider “brakes” are labeled Anonymous Now let’s draw cartoons. They are to be anonymous. Each person draws a cartoon of some exact scenario that happened recently, where it was hard to control your emotions and they got away from you. Gives instructions: 3 frames. Pre…during…postRider and Elephant---what elephant was doing and rider “should” message. Save cartoons for next session.
Clip: Self- Control is Exhausting! Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Read text. Take suggestions. Offer one tip: As a first trick, The Rider asks for help when he is pulling on his Elephant’s reins. It’s okay to acknowledge it’s hard. The Rider doesn’t let his ego get in the way of asking for help. Those who meet their life dreams combine effort with seeking help from others.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Trick #1: Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) Ask for help when pulling on Elephant’s reins. Read text. Take suggestions. Offer one tip: As a first trick, The Rider asks for help when he is pulling on his Elephant’s reins. It’s okay to acknowledge it’s hard. The Rider doesn’t let his ego get in the way of asking for help. Those who meet their life dreams combine effort with seeking help from others.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1593, Italy) REFLECTION: Find a partner. Together, discover facts you will use from today. Read text. Take suggestions. Offer one tip: As a first trick, The Rider asks for help when he is pulling on his Elephant’s reins. It’s okay to acknowledge it’s hard. The Rider doesn’t let his ego get in the way of asking for help. Those who meet their life dreams combine effort with seeking help from others.