Introduction to 5685x Series DSP56858EVM Kit DSP56858 chip USB interface 1 Mbit EEPROM/Data Flash FSRAM (256K) Parallel interface On board 6 debugging LED Boot Mode Selector RS232 Interface Audio in/out (stereo) Go to Interactive Power Point Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series Chip used DSP56800E Family General Purpose 16-bit fixed point (six members). DSP56800E Introduced in 2000 as improved version of DSP568500 family Lower Power Consumption Enhanced peripherals Higher MIPS Many Peripheals: SCI to communicate with devices using RS232 SPI to communicate with CODEC or EEPROM (needs a clock). DMA to communicate between memory and external device Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series Freescale Family Tree Freescale DSP Family Tree [2003] 56800 56800E 56300 MSC8100 DSP56F801 DSP56F802 DSP56F803 DSP56F805 DSP56F807 DSP56F826 DSP56F827 DSP56852 DSP56853 DSP56854 DSP56855 DSP56857 DSP56858 MC56F8322 MC56F8323 MC56F8345 MC56F8346 MC56F8356 MC56F8357 DSP56301 DSP56303 XC56309 XC56L307 DSP56311 DSP56321 DSPB56362 DSPB56364 DSPB56366 DSPA56367 DSPA56371 MSC8101 MSC8103 Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series DSP56858E Applications Telephony Client side IP phone Internet Audio Voice Processing Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series DSP56800E Series Features High Level Abstraction of Application Software Full Set of Data Types High Code Density for Minimized Solution Cost Large Address Spaces Full Source Code Compatibility Powerful Register Set Improved Multitasking Support Optimized Power Management Efficient Peripheral Interfacing through Motorola’s IP- BUS Efficient Memory Interfacing Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series Combined DSP and MCU Instructions Optimized for Controller Code, DSP, Matrix Operations Compact Assembly & “C” Compiled Code Size Easy to Program Adequate MIPS Headroom and Extended Addressing Space Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series MCU Features on DSP56800E True Stack Pointer 16-Bit Program Word for Optimal Code Density General Purpose Register Files Orthogonal Instructions available to the Data and Address Register Files 8, 16, and 32-bit Data Types Atomic Read-Modify-Write instructions Full set of bit manipulation instructions 16 and 32-bit shifting Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series DSP Features on DSP56800E Multiplier - Accumulator Single and Dual Parallel Move Instructions No Overhead Hardware Looping Nested Looping Capability Modulo Arithmetic (for circular buffers) Integer and Fractional Arithmetic Support Fast Interrupt Support Two Types of Saturation Arithmetic mode selectable instruction based Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Is it a 16-bit or 32 – bit processor ? Five 32-bit Data Registers Eight 24-bit Address Registers 32-bit ALU Operations Add, Subtract, Test, Compare, Logical, etc. 32-bit shifting 24-bit pointer 24-bit pointer arithmetic Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019
Introduction to 5685x Series DSP56800E Improvements Compiler Efficiency Real-time Debug Fast Interrupt Nested Hardware Looping Additional Addressing Modes Five (5) Software Interrupt Traps Introduction to 5685x Series Saturday, April 06, 2019