Student Council Student Body President - Ryan Beck Mechanical Engineering, from Kansas City, Kansas Vice President External Affairs – Kate Burns Philosophy, from St. Louis, MO Vice President Internal – Ben Prueter Engineering Management, from Kansas City, Kansas Treasurer – Tom Markowski Petroleum Engineering, St. Louis, MO Recorder – Sam Thebeau Aerospace Engineering, Union MO
2012-2013 Student Council Goals Represent the Students of Missouri S&T and act as a link between themselves and administration. Raise awareness of what Student Council does for the Campus. Have one or more representatives from at least 50% of the Registered Student Organizations attend Student Council Meetings at the end of the 2012 Fall Semester; obtain a 80% member retention rate at the end of both 2012 Fall and 2013 Spring Semesters.
What is Student Council Working On? Parking Tests during dead week, and career fair days Orgsync – Software Independent Study Credits for Design teams sasdfasf Student Fees Communication Public Relations Updating website And more!