Digestive System Notes Functions and Organs
What are the functions of digestive system? #1: Break down food that can be used as energy in cells.
What are the functions of digestive system? #2: Prepare food to be absorbed by the circulatory system to be taken to all the cells.
What are the functions of digestive system? #3: Remove waste (POOP!)
What are the organs of digestive system? #1: Mouth/Jaw: Breaks down food into smaller pieces. Your spit breaks down food.
What are the organs of digestive system? #2: Esophagus: Tube made of muscle that carries food to the stomach
What are the organs of digestive system? #3: Stomach: A pouch like muscle that turns the food and breaks it into even smaller pieces. Stomach acid also helps break down food.
What are the organs of digestive system? #4: Liver: Makes stomach acid.
What are the organs of digestive system? #5: Small Intestine: Absorbs all the nutrients from the food.
What are the organs of digestive system? #6: Large Intestine: Absorbs all the water in the food.
What are the organs of digestive system? #7: Anus: Any food that is left is waste, and needs to be taken out of the body.
Processing Questions: WRITE THE QUESTION. Describe the digestive process in it’s entirety.