Presentation on Migration data: Asylum and Managed Migration statistics Working Group "European Statistical Data Support" 21-22 April 2016 Piotr Juchno Eurostat Unit F2 – Population and migration
1.3 million asylum seekers in EU in 2015 Asylum applications (non-EU) in the EU-28 Member States, 2005-15 (thousands)
330 000 asylum seekers granted protection status in EU in 2015 Syria 50% Eritrea 8% Iraq 7% Afghanistan 5% Stateless 3% Iran 2% Somalia Pakistan Other 21% Asylum seekers granted protection status in the EU, main citizenships, 2015
Content Background of AMM data collections Major caveats and pitfalls of Eurostat AMM data
Background of AMM data collections
What does AMM mean? AMM – Asylum and Managed Migration Migration Statistics Regulation (862/2007) Asylum (Art. 4.1-4.3) Asylum seekers and decisions on applications Dublin statistics (Art. 4.4) Which MS is responsible for assessing asylum application Enforcement (EIL) statistics (Art. 5, 7) Refusals of entry to EU; apprehensions of illegally staying; return decisions and effective returns Residence permits (Art. 6) Authorisations to stay at MS territory for specific reasons
Data collection frameworks (1) Data sources – administrative registers Data coverage – Third Country Nationals (non-EU citizens) Periodicity: Asylum: monthly, quarterly and annual Dublin, EIL and Residence permits: annual Deadlines for data provision: 2 months for monthly and quarterly Asylum data 3 months for annual Asylum, Dublin and EIL data 6 months for Residence permits data Data providers: Predominantly– Ministries of Interior/Justice, Immigration Agencies, Border Guards, Police (as data owners) but also NSIs in some cases GEO coverage: EU-28, IS, LI, NO, CH
Data collection frameworks (2) Definitions / Concepts: As set in 862/2007 e.g. application for asylum, refugee status, subsidiary protection etc. EU legislation in migration area: Asylum Procedures Directive (2013/32), Qualification Directive (2011/95), Dublin Regulation (604/2013), Blue Cards Directive (2009/50), Single Permit Directive (2011/98), ICT Directive (2014/66), Seasonal Workers Directive (2014/36)… COM Impl. Reg. 216/2010 on definitions of categories of reasons for residence permits Guidelines e.g. humanitarian status, final decision on asylum, first time applicant, repeated applicant, first residence permit, change of status permit etc. Statistical unit: persons (one exception: Dublin stats)
Dissemination Eurobase: Asylum: updates every Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 am Other domains: irregular updates asap after data validation Statistics Explained articles: Quarterly SE article on asylum (accompanied by NR) Annual SE articles (Asylum, Dublin, Residence permit, EIL) News Releases: e.g. in 2016 – 6 on Asylum plus others on Permits, Migrant integration Dedicated section - Asylum and Managed Migration and Migrant integration
Major caveats and pitfalls of Eurostat AMM data
ASYLUM– what's important (definitions) First time applicant vs Total applicants Repeated applicants First instance decision vs Final decision taken in appeal or review Resettlement Asylum vs Refugee Statistics Unaccompanied Minor
ASYLUM – what's important (data interpretation) Do we have a good count of the asylum influx into EU? Is everyone entering EU counted as asylum seeker? Are the asylum seekers multiplied in the EU statistics? Can we estimate this phenomenon? Can we compare outcomes of asylum procedures between MS? Recognition rates per instance level Composition of asylum influx by citizenship Dublin transfers not considered as Negative decisions
DUBLIN – important statistical concepts INCOMING vs OUTGOING requests Similarity to Trade statistics or Mirror migration flows Taking Back vs Taking Charge requests Outcomes of Requests Transfers
DUBLIN – data interpretation Why does the INCOMING data do not perfectly match OUTGOING data? What to use in this case Why does the number of Accepted Requests do not match the number of Transfers?
OTHER STATISTICS What is a First residence permit 6 months criterion (vs 12 month criterion for immigration/emigration data) What is a Change of status permit What is a 'Return rate' why is this interesting for policy makers Ratio between Effective returns and Return decisions 'Measure' of the effectiveness of migration policy at national level
Thank you, any questions?