Recent developments in health administrative data Item 8 of the agenda DSS Meeting 1 and 2 March 2018
Health data from administrative sources Covered by EP & Council Regulation adopted in 2008 on public health and health & safety at work Regulation foresees implementing measures for 5 statistical domains: Health status & health determinants Healthcare Causes of death Accidents at work Occupational diseases Eurostat
Health status & health determinants Morbidity statistics: under development Work started in 2007 In 2017: agreement by the WG on Public Health statistics to have pilot data collection in some countries using a shortlist of diseases and methodological guidance Dedicated TF set up from March (9 countries) Grants in 2018 (15 countries?) DSS consultation in 2021: data collection on a GA basis before a possible regulation is prepared?
Health care Annual joint data collection with OECD & WHO on: Health care non-expenditure (facilities, human resources and utilisation) As of now: GA, but Regulation to be prepared & adopted in 2021 for a core set of data (high policy needs) Grants in 2018 to improve data quality (including coverage) Health care expenditure Regulation adopted in 2015 (with sunset clause) Dedicated TG set up in 2017; new TF from 2018 for methodological work; new Regulation (2021)
Causes of death Regulation adopted in 2011 Need to anticipate the 24 months deadline to send national annual data ICD on-going revision will have an impact On-going discussion on the definitions of amenable and preventable deaths (together with OECD and MS)
Accidents at work Regulation adopted in 2011 Annual micro data on accidents Main issue: under-reporting especially for countries with a data collection system based on information provided by labour inspections (compared to data from insurance companies); dedicated study to be launched in 2019
Occupational diseases Work started in 2003: annual data collection on a GA basis till 2009 Work stopped as reliability and comparability issues Agreement to relaunch a simplified project in 2015 (high policy needs) Pilot data collections in 2017 & 2018 (simplified list of diseases and characteristics) DSS consultation in 2020: data collection on a GA basis?
Conclusion DSS is invited to take note of the recent developments on health administrative data, in particular: DSS consultation in 2020 on "what next?" for occupational diseases statistics DSS consultation in 2021 on "what next?" for morbidity statistics Preparation of a Regulation (to be adopted in 2021) on healthcare data (both non-expenditure and expenditure) Eurostat