Unit 4: Prosperity and Depression portfolio Poetic [in]justice Unit 4: Prosperity and Depression portfolio
Step 3: Analyze Research Instructions What Issues Divided the United States During the 1920s? The 1920s were a time of rapid changed in the United States. Issues such as prohibition, women’s rights, immigration, and the new idea of evolution as the driving force of life’s development divided the country between those pushing for change and those resistant to it. People debated these issues in books, newspaper articles, classrooms, and courtrooms. Description For this portfolio project, you will explore different perspectives on an issue by researching both sides of the issue. You will then use your findings to create a poem for two voices. Poems for two voices are written to be read by two people. Often these poems offer two sides of the same experience. Usually, the poems are written in two columns, one read by each person. Words that are spoken at the same time are written on the same line. 4 Steps to Success Step 1: Choose an Issue • prohibition • advancements in production and consumerism • women’s rights • immigration • evolution Step 4: Get Creative! Step 3: Analyze Research Include the following: • a balance of the two perspectives • accurate historical facts about the issue and events surrounding the issue • creative details that can be inferred from the historical facts • sensory imagery that appeals to the five senses • What feelings or emotions might the two perspectives communicate about this topic? • How do you think your two perspectives on the issue would vary? • What things might the two perspectives agree on? • How can you demonstrate the differences in viewpoint in a poem for two voices? Poem Step 2 : Research OR • Basic facts of the issue: who, what, when, where, and why You can use note cards, type your notes on the computer, or use some other method of note-taking. Cartoon
Unite and we will fix this! And make America great again!! Samples Dual Voice Poem Political Cartoon Together we can do this! Alone, you will destroy us! Danger-domestic, threats abroad Communication-crazy, flawed leader Unite and we will fix this! Stronger borders and military Stronger protests and voters Deport illegal immigrants! Deport Presidents from Twitter! Trust you Executive Impeach the bum And make America great again!!
Dual Voice Poem [Chosen Topic] Option A Voice A Shared Voice Voice B [type here….] [type here]
>>>Learn how to use Snipping Tool here.<<< Option B Political Cartoon Political Cartoon Instructions Create a visual representation that captures the same dual-voice perspectives of your chosen topic, just like the samples shared on slide 3. You can hand-draw your cartoon, or use Clip Art, Google Images, or other cartoon generators to create your masterpiece. Please paste your final cartoon creation on this slide. Finally, include a short paragraph summary description that explains a little about (a) the message and (b) your two perspectives presented within the cartoon. [Type paragraph description here] Paste Cartoon Here >>>Learn how to use Snipping Tool here.<<<
Attach and send via web mail! You’re done! Step 1: Submit Attach and send via web mail! Step 2: Celebrate