Rules to Remember: All HOUSES must be near a road. All MILLS must be near a river. All MINES must be near a railroad. You can add roads and railroads whenever you want to. You are not allowed to erase!
Draw a river, which must go from one side of the paper to the other. It must be about ½” wide on your paper. Create a name for your town. Put the name of your town and your name on the back.
Draw 4 bridges across the river. Draw 3 roads and 1 railroad that connects to the bridges. REMEMBER: all HOUSES must be near a road. All MILLS must be near a river. All MINES must be near a railroad. You can add roads and railroads whenever you want to.
The year is 1850. The paper represents your town. Most people are farmers and make extra money by spinning or doing piece work in the evenings in their own homes. Grassy areas and trees surround the town. It is traveled by dirt tracks and roads. The river is clean and sparkling. The town is a pleasant place to live.
Draw: 10 houses 2 church, 2 school, 4 stores, and 2 bar. Remember: All houses and structure must be near a road. If you need extra roads at any time, add them in.
Men such as Andrew Carnegie and John. D Men such as Andrew Carnegie and John. D. Rockefeller realize that they can make big money through centralized production of steel and refining oil. They consolidate all levels of production by building or buying everything from mining to the finished product.
Mills were set up along waterways to allow for raw materials to be brought in and finished products to be sent out by ship. These investors made huge profits from their endeavors but unfortunately paid little attention to the living and working conditions of their workers.
Draw 3 mines, which must be along a railroad. Draw 3 mills, which must be along the river.
People from other countries hear about the opportunities in America and start immigrating to your community. Add… 10 homes, 10 tenements 4 stores 4 bars
Many immigrant children attend public schools where they are assimilated into American culture. Add: 2 Schools
As Thomas Edison’s light bulb becomes more commonly used mills can stay opened longer- operating throughout the night. Electric trolleys mean that people can come from further out in the city to work in the mills. More workers means that more mills can be operated.
Add 5 more mills (must be on a river) …and 1 more mine (must be on a railroad).
More mills need more workers. Add 20 more houses and 10 more tenements.
More workers need stores to buy things. Some people find religion soothing. People are tired after working 14-hour days and need to relax. Add: 5 stores 2 churches 2 bars
Poor southerners and freed slaves find it difficult to survive as sharecroppers and decide to move to your city. Add 5 houses and 5 tenaments
The capitalists pay the workers very low wages The capitalists pay the workers very low wages. Hungry men must send their children to work to help earn a small living for their family. Turn 1 of your schools into a mill.
It is now 1910, sixty years since your town began It is now 1910, sixty years since your town began. Many children are injured or die working in mills or by the railways. Add 1 hospital.
Compulsory education laws are gradually passed around the country Compulsory education laws are gradually passed around the country. They begin to reduce the number of child laborers in your town. Add 1 school Turn 1 mill into a school
Assessment Questions What problems did you encounter building your city? What kind of living conditions did people have in your town? Was sanitation, the rapid spread of disease, and unsafe conditions a problem in your town? What caused the rapid urbanization of your town? How was the infrastructure of your town affected by the rapid growth?
Activity Look at the chart titled 3 An Explosion Of Industrial Growth Use the information in the chart to create two line graphs on the blank graph titled 3 An Explosion of Industrial Growth