Fowler 6th Grade Registration Parent Orientation 2019
Registration Card & Course Guide All students have received: 6th Grade Course Descriptions Packet Course Request Card
Student Information PRINT the Student name, Gender and Student ID #. This is the same ID as this year. Then, please fill in the Parent name, Parent email, Phone Number and Elementary Campus. Fowler Middle School 6th Grade Registration 2019-2020 Student Last Name: First Name: ______________ FISD Student ID#: Gender: Parent Name(s): E-mail: Phone #: Elementary Campus Attended:
Transitioning to Middle School Three big changes to consider: Homework - Middle school students should expect to have homework in math every night, including most weekends. Other subjects will vary, but most nights students will have homework from multiple classes. Middle school classes (except for the ILA block), are only 45 minutes long. Because we do not have 90 minute blocks like the elementary schools, homework is required to give students the practice and repetition they need to master the concept. This is part of building the students’ independence and responsibility that will help them to be successful in high school. Tutorials - All middle school teachers offer tutorials multiple times a week in both the morning and afternoons. Tutorials are for ALL students, not just students who are failing or who need remediation. Anytime a student feels they need a little extra help in any subject area, he should make arrangements to either come early or stay late to seek his teacher’s help in tutorials. Tutorials are a positive learning environment and most students will need a little extra help at some point in their middle school career. Grading – Major Grades, 50%, Minor Grades, 30% and Daily grades, 20% (This is the current district policy, yet it may change for the 2019-2020 school year.)
Required Classes All students are required to take the following classes: Social Studies Science Math or Pre AP Math* ILA, PreAP ILA or GT PAP ILA* Technology App/PE Study Skills *Please review Pre AP Entrance Recommendations & Maintenance Expectations on the back of the registration card before enrolling for either of these classes. * GT placement and EA testing will be covered later in the presentation REQUIRED COURSES Choose 1 from each of the following required areas: Social Studies Science Social Studies 6 Science 6 Integrated Language Arts Mathematics ____ ILA 6 _____ Math 6 ____ Pre-AP ILA 6 ( Review Pre-AP Expectations) _____ Pre-AP Math 6 (Review Pre-AP Expectations) Tech Apps/Study Skills (Alternating Days) ____ Physical Education ____
Gifted and Talented* Students who are identified as gifted and talented in the Frisco ISD are placed in a special GT PreAP ILA class. A roster of GT students will be sent directly from the elementary campuses to FMS. Only students who are currently identified as Gifted and Talented (or are identified during the spring testing period) will be placed in GT courses. GT students are served through the Language Art courses, so please write GT PAP ILA on the registration card. Please keep in mind that middle school GT courses are very demanding courses with a rigorous grading system.
Recommended PreAP Entrance Criteria Students who meet the criteria below are encouraged to register for Pre-AP classes.\ Masters on STAAR (previous school year) Cumulative classroom average of 90 or higher in the area of interest (current school year) Willing to work hard, complete all assignments on time, and are conscientious students. Recommended PreAP Entrance Criteria Pre AP Expectations (for all grade levels): A student who earns below a 70% in two consecutive six week grading periods will be placed on academic probation and a committee including the student, parent and teacher will convene to develop a plan for future success. If at the conclusion of the six weeks of probation the student again earns below a 70%, the committee will reconvene to determine if Pre-AP, Algebra I and/or Spanish I is the appropriate placement.
Middle School Math 6th grade 6th grade Pre-AP 7th grade Pre-AP Algebra I Students receive high school credit, averaged in high school GPA Pre-AP Geometry (online course)
Math EA Testing If your student is ahead in math and you feel he or she has already mastered the 6th grade Math objectives, the student may take a EA (exam for acceleration) covering 6th grade math. If the student scores an 80 or above on the EA, then he or she will be placed in PreAP 7th grade Math during 6th grade. The student will then follow this progression (more detail on next slide): 6th grade – PreAP 7th Math 7th grade – PreAP Algebra I 8th grade – PreAP Geometry Algebra I and Geometry are both high school level courses and the grade that your student earns will be averaged into their graduation GPA and class rank. For this reason it is VERY important to consider both your student’s academic abilities and also their maturity and responsibility in handling such a high level class. If your student decides to take the EA, they MUST take the test on their elementary campus during the 2019 spring testing window. Please contact your elementary counselor to find out the process to apply for the test and the actual testing dates. Please refer to the FISD website for important information regarding application deadlines and testing windows.
Special Programs Special Education 504 English as a Second language If you are currently involved in one of the following special programs, student rosters will be sent directly from the elementary campus to FMS and students will be placed or monitored accordingly. Special Education 504 English as a Second language Dyslexia (Students who are being served in a reading science class will not have an elective their 6th grade year) GT
Electives Each student needs to rank your top 3 elective choices, with 1 being your first choice and 3 being your last choice. ELECTIVE COURSES All electives are full year courses. Rank your choices 1 to 3, with 1 being your first choice, from the following: ____ Art 6 ____ Theater Arts 6 ____ Band (Instrument – Per Band Director: ________________________________) ____ Orchestra (Instrument – Per Orchestra Director: _________________________) ____ Choir
Schedule Change Requests Schedule change requests are subject to availability in the class requested and will only be approved for a move into or out of a Pre-AP course. Students need to choose classes carefully. No elective schedule changes after May 1, 2019. PreAP/on-level schedule change requests will only be accepted during the first week of school. Any move out of PreAP after the first week of school can only be done at the end of a 9 week grading period and involves the participation of the student, teacher and parent. It also might result in multiple class and teacher changes.
Parent & Student Information Parents, MUST sign the front of the card and the back of the card before turning it in. Print Parent Name: _________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________
Turn in your card ALL registration cards are due to your ELEMENTARY COUNSELOR no later than Thursday, February 21st. If you complete it before this time, please turn it in to your counselor as soon as possible. Please remember you must contact your elementary counselor if you are planning on taking a EA examination. Any changes to course selections need to be made no later than May 1st.
Falcon Flight Camp Coming Soon… Orientation for incoming 6th graders will be held on Monday, August 12th, so mark your calendars.
Gallery Walk and Q&A Please take some time to visit each Core Curriculum table display. Teachers will be happy to answer your questions about our 6th grade curriculum and some of the differences in our on-level and PreAP courses Also, please take time to visit our Fine Arts classrooms. This is a great chance to learn about various elective opportunities. We are excited about the upcoming 2019-2020 school year!