Langham Primary Eco Team Assembly Litter
What is Litter? Litter can be described as ‘rubbish that is in the wrong place’. It can be anything from a crisp packet to a burnt out car. Litter is any item left by a person that should not be there! (Natural things such as weeds, or leaves that have fallen from trees, are not classed as litter.) Litter can take a very long time to rot away, or may never rot away at all. It does not look nice and could be dangerous to people and wildlife – it is a form of pollution.
Where would you rather be?
How long does it stick around? Up to two years to rot away Up to 10 years to rot away Between 10 and 20 years and will slowly break up into small pieces, but even these never really go away Will NEVER EVER rot away Will NEVER EVER rot away
How long does it stick around?
Litter Harms Wildlife! Litter doesn’t just make our environment look horrible it can actually harm wildlife!
Litter harms wildlife Young fox with its head trapped inside a rusty drinks can.
Hedgehogs have a big problem in that while they can crawl into cans, their spines stop them going back out again!
What can YOU do about Litter? ALWAYS put your rubbish in the bin or take it home. Recycle your waste or reuse it so we throw less things away. Make your rubbish more animal friendly e.g. cut up used balloons and string into small pieces, never put plastic bags, glass or cans in the rubbish these can be recycled. Go Plastic bag free! Fill a reusable plastic bottle with water for school each day. Pick up and bin any litter you see! Organise a Litter Pick. Spread your good habits by telling your family and friends why you don’t drop litter.
Langham Primary School Eco Team Great Big Spring Clean Litter Pick 2018 The Eco Team went on a litter pick around our school and Langham on Wednesday 21st March. This is what we found…..
Litter Poster Competition Eco Team
Langham Primary School Eco Team Poster Competition. We have decided to extend the poster competition!! We would like you to design and make a poster all about litter and why we shouldn’t drop litter. Try and make other people care about the world we live in by not dropping litter. What does litter do to the countryside and wildlife? What are the problems? How can we stop litter? Rules. The competition is open to all children in school. The poster must be on A4 paper/card. The design should be original and made by hand, not on the computer. Only one entry per pupil. Name and Class must be written on the back. Please put entries in the green tray in the entrance hall. The closing date for entries is Wednesday 6th June. A winner will be chosen from each class. The winner will be announced after the Easter holiday.