Peaceful Co-existence was a lie.


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Presentation transcript:

Peaceful Co-existence was a lie. Post it note storm! Peaceful Co-existence was a lie. What is your opinion?

What does this source suggest about the Hungarian Uprising? Overview of the Revolt What does this source suggest about the Hungarian Uprising?

Think: What does the source suggest about the Hungarian Revolution? Pair: share your opinion with the person sitting next to you Square: With your table, discuss Your opinion. Decide which one you will Share with the class

What does this source suggest about the Hungarian Uprising? Overview of the Revolt What does this source suggest about the Hungarian Uprising? Cry Hungary documentary

Totally Agree iboard Totally Disagree Window The Soviets were correct to react To the Hungarian Revolution in the manner which they did Totally Agree iboard Totally Disagree Window

Causes – Reaction by the Soviets Debate In your groups Put together an argument which reflects your opinion about the Hungarian Revolution. Causes – Reaction by the Soviets

Please get your learning logs out and turn to the page with ‘Unit 1, Crisis of the Cold War, 1955-70

I don’t get it! I need some help understanding.   I think I understand but I need a little bit of help with understanding.   I understand what I have learnt this lesson.  

11d only!