CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS COURSE OBJECTIVES CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Arrive to class prepared to work and on time Put phone in the charging station/away Take out notes packet and complete Do Now Be respectful of everyone else in the classroom Ask questions when you don’t understand something! Statistics is a one-year course designed to provide statistical theory with applications. You will be able to analyze and interpret data using statistics integrate technology and statistical analysis develop a testable thesis, collect data, and interpret the data through research apply statistics across disciplines understand the impact of statistical ideas on everyday life, public policies and many different fields of study Each unit will include a student project in which students will be able to pursue interests in science, research, business, athletics, civics, communications, advertising/marketing, politics, religion, etc. Statistics Mrs. Wittenberg Room 219 ABSENCES If you miss class for any reason, all assignments can be found through the calendar on my website I will expect that you have at least attempted the assignment before you return to class. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, you will be expected to make it up within two days of your return. All material that is not made up within a week will receive a grade of zero. SUPPLY LIST Graphing Calculator Binder with loose leaf and dividers Pen/pencil Cell Phone Policy You have two options: Place your phone in one of the slots at the charging station, turn the ringer off and plug it in to charge if needed. Your phone must stay there until the end of the period. You may keep your phone silenced and in your bag at your desk as long as it doesn’t become a distraction. If I have to ask you more than once to put your phone away, I’ll simply ask you to bring it to the charging station. All phones must be put in the charging station during tests and quizzes. EXTRA HELP I will be available for extra help from 11-11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Other plans can be made as long as prior notice is given.
ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS EXPLANATION OF GRADES Tests (40%) – Tests will be given at the end of each chapter; typically two per quarter. Quizzes (30%) – There will be a quiz at the end of each section within the chapter (chapters contain between 4 – 7 sections). Labs (20%) – We will complete a lab application at the end of each chapter. You will be required to complete additional work outside the classroom for some of the labs. Current Events (10%) – You are required to complete a current event summary each week. This will consist of finding a statistical article and then summarizing it using terms and information learned in class. It must be submitted by 5 pm on Friday of each week and will NOT be accepted late as they are to be submitted online. NO EXCEPTIONS!! ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS The majority of this class will be taught through class discussion and application. Therefore, if you are frequently late or absent, you will have a difficult time learning the material. If you are in school, but miss class due to late arrival, early dismissal, doctor appointment, trip, sports, lessons, etc., you are responsible to get the notes and the assignments that day, so you are up to date the day you return to class. All notes are available on my website. MY WEBSITE The following information can be found on my website: Daily lessons with teacher powerpoint Calendar with sections covered daily, quiz and test dates, lab and current event due dates. Current event guidelines and grading rubric Due to the accessibility of all lessons and upcoming assessment dates, late work WILL NOT be accepted. You are expected to use this website when you are absent in order get the notes missed when you were out. In addition, missed quizzes and tests will be taken immediately upon return to class. GRADING POLICY 40% - Tests 30% - Quizzes 20% - Labs 10% - Current Events No late work accepted!! TEXTBOOK Introductory Statistics available online through OpenStax I have shared the link to the textbook with each of you through Google Drive.