SMART THROUGH ART Welcome participants. Introductions. Point out the features of webex before getting started. This is a one hour condensed version of the information given at the face to face start up workshops. There will be opportunities for participants to ask question using their microphones at the end only, as we don’t have time to stop throughout, however questions are welcomed throughout via the chat facility.
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A trip to Nice 13th – 17th October 2014
A desk check is usually carried out immediately after the analysis of your final report. It involves the submission of evidence of your mobilities which are analysed in the office. The evidence is used to verify if the mobilities have actually been undertaken as reported. Most desk checks are selected randomly. However, in addition to the random sample we will undertake further checks on the basis of specific problems noted or suspected with action depending on the seriousness of each case. If you are chosen by us for a desk check to will be given due notice of the actions you must take. For each mobility there must be at least one of these: Travel Ticket /Flight Boarding Pass/Travel Ticket Invoice And: An Attendance Certificate issued by the hosting institution (c/w names of participants and the date of visit). A template is available for use for you as a UK hosting institution at Normally, desk checks should be based on original documents that are returned to the owner when the check has been accomplished, but if not possible for duly justified reasons, copies of documents may be requested instead. A desk check can be carried out up to 3 years after the analysis of your final report. OTSC On-the-spot checks involve a visit to your institution by a British Council member of staff or delegated representative. They usually take place during the life of your partnership. The number of on-the-spot visits are relatively low. Assurance on the reality and eligibility of activities is mainly obtained from checks of final reports and desk checks of mobility evidence. The general approach to on-the-spot checks is the same as explained for a desk check except that on-the-spot checks may be incorporated with a more in-depth “monitoring visit” looking at the wider progress and impact of your partnership. A minimum of one month’s notice is usually given. Nice