Vigo County: A Beautiful Place to Call Home State of the Schools Address February 6, 2019
Curriculum and Instruction
Last year we served 470 Early Learners in 14 sites Pre K Last year we served 470 Early Learners in 14 sites
Paths to Quality
IREAD 87.2% (above state average) Reading is the foundation for all learning.
Within the Urban Schools Coalition - Highest in the State ISTEP+ Progress Within the Urban Schools Coalition - Highest in the State
Student Services Increased the number of school nurses from 5 – 10 Increased the number of Behavioral Interventionists from 3 – 16 Increased the number of Guidance Counselors from – 38 -43 Increased the number Student Protection Officers from 30-38
School Counselor Ratio Indiana: 559:1 Vigo County: 350:1
Co-Curricular / Extracurricular Programs National Recognition & State Recognition
Resource Management 2018 Ending Cash Balance
Executive Director Jane Nichols Education Foundation Executive Director Jane Nichols
Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail Strategic Planning Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail
Design Process Prepare - Framing expectations and success criteria (Ongoing) Assess - Conducting primary and secondary research to assess (Ongoing) Co-Design - Engaging stakeholders in the process (February - May) Building the Plan - Synthesizing, writing, and branding (April –July) Engage - Engaging stakeholders in the process (August – September) Launch - Publicly releasing the plan (October - December) Succeed - Empowering teams to have shared accountability and monitoring for optimal results (January)
-Prepare- Community Meetings Retired Teachers Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Education Foundation IVY Tech Union Hospital Chamber of Commerce Regional Hospital Quality of Place Trade Unions Bus Drivers / Building Services Vigo County Taxpayers Association First Financial Bank Parent Network Indiana State Farm Bureau Rose – Hulman Launch Terre Haute 28 School Buildings
What are the positive aspects of our school corporation? Great teachers The security officers/liaisons make the students feel safe Involvement in the community Community outreach – Backpack Program, volunteer services – local organizations donate their time Quality curriculum (AP courses offered)
Identify areas for improvement in our school corporation Upgrade technology/more computers available to students More field trips/hands-on learning More teachers/smaller classes Better pay for our teachers/higher starting pay More nutritious lunch menu options for our students
How can the VCSC support all students with excellent learning opportunities both during and outside the school day? More field trips More vocational opportunities/better technology IPad for every student Offer more after-school programs Provide low cost / free afterschool tutoring
What are your biggest concerns with any upcoming school building projects? Funding /Feasibility Don’t build “mega” schools Build for the long term, high quality & handicap accessible Upgrade buildings & take care of what we have Consider adding an “East Side” school due to the growth in that area
How can the district and our schools improve communication and better connect with families and the larger community? Have a user-friendly website Better communication options – consistent Emails and texts Continue with automated calls and text messages Hire a Communications/Public Relations Director
Prepare Staff Survey Over 1100 staff participated in the survey - Teacher 51.36% Administrator 5.00% Support Staff 23.57%
What areas are most important to support the development of the skills and knowledge needed for success beyond high school? (Please select your top 3 choices). Offering robust academic programs that meet the needs of a diverse student population Supporting the social, emotional, and physical wellness of students Having extra-curricular programs and sports Responding to the individual needs and potential of students Communicating with families and the community Maintaining a safe and secure learning environment
What areas are most important to support the development of the skills and knowledge needed for success beyond high school? (Please select your top 3 choices). Having high school facilities that support the academic, athletic, and co-curricular needs of students Responding to and appreciating cultural and economic diversity Developing and maintaining community, business, and other non-for-profit partnerships Integrating and using technology Supporting a student's planning and transition to life after high school
Data Collected Supporting the social, emotional, and physical wellness of students Integrating and using technology Offering robust academic programs that meet the needs of a diverse student population Responding to the individual needs and potential of students Supporting a student's planning and transition to life after high school
Students at our schools have the technology tools needed. Strongly Agree 6.61% Agree 19.04% Neutral 18.96% Disagree 35.65% Strongly Disagree 19.74%
Our students are prepared for college, careers, and life. Strongly Agree 9.94% Agree 50.48% Neutral 29.03% Disagree 9.07% Strongly Disagree 1.48%
I have sufficient resources to support my position within the VCSC Strongly Agree 16.98% Agree 46.96% Neutral 21.03% Disagree 13.60% Strongly Disagree 1.44%
Our policies and practices are clear, valuable, and implemented fairly Strongly Agree 14.21% Agree 48.48% Neutral 22.59% Disagree 13.11% Strongly Disagree 1.61%
Prepare Round Table Discussions Faith-Based Not-for-Profit Business (coming soon)
Assessment and Research NEOLA - Policy and Administrative Guidelines Umbaugh and Associates – Financial Planning Crowe – Controls Audit Bond Steering Committee – Bond Oversight
Together We Will Go Farther Co-Design Together We Will Go Farther
Co-Design Will Move the District and Community Forward
Co-Design Groups Curriculum and Instruction Safety and Wellness Co-Curricular and Ex-Curricular Activities Resource Management Talent Development
Indiana’s fastest-growing cities and towns 2016-2017
Cities with largest population growth 2016-2017
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Walt Disney