The Need to Deliver Public Housing Raise the Roof Conference The Need to Deliver Public Housing John O’Connor Chief Executive 30th January 2019
What is Public Housing?
Social Housing 30,000 36,000 63,000 135,000 Local Authority Social Housing RAS/ HAP/ Leased Rent Supplement Approved Housing Bodies AHBs
Should we provide Cost Rental as another form of public housing? Cost Rental Housing Should we provide Cost Rental as another form of public housing?
Cost Rental Housing Input a combination of: State lands Infrastructure Long term financing Combines to reduce the costs of providing housing and therefore rents Costs reduce over time Must think long-term 50 years
Housing Housing cost (purchase or rent) Public Housing Affordable Social Affordable Market Public Housing Housing cost (purchase or rent) Income
Who should provide Public Housing? Local Authorities Approved Housing Bodies State Entities?
Home Ownership vs Renting Traditionally Ireland has prioritised home ownership In 1991, 91% of private homes were owner occupied By 2016 this had fallen to 78% nationally and 59% in urban areas Public housing should be focused on providing rental housing that people can afford
Household Size 75% of all households are of 3 people or less 25% are 1 person 31% are 2 person 19% are 3 person
How do we deliver public housing? Local authority and state owned land Planning controls How do we fund and finance? It is about a vision and a determination It is about having public and political support
Summary Public Housing should be considered beyond social housing Development of a cost rental sector by local authorities and approved housing bodies is vital Consider how we deliver and fund public housing
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