Ag 8.3-8.4 Family Budget Survey Doc. A6465/18/07-08 Ag 8.3-8.4 Family Budget Survey Working Group on Articles 64 and 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 21+22 March 2018
Content of this presentation Purpose and background of FBS Recent and planned FBS Response rates and feedback, FBS 2016 + 2017 Data processing tool Data protection notification
Purpose & background Family Budget Surveys (FBS) are conducted every 5-7 years (EU Staff Regulations Annex XI) in each duty-station Information compiled to reflect the average household expenditure pattern for the 80 basic headings (food, drinks, clothing etc.) Result values are used as aggregation weights for calculation of the Joint Belgium-Luxembourg Index (JBLI) and Correction Coefficients (CC).
Latest FBS integrated for CC production Year Country coverage 2008-2012 and 2014 EU27 staff (each year: target locations with 1,000 to 10,000 people) - Brussels 2010 (30,000 people) - DE, FR, NL, UK [integrated for July 2014&15 CC] 2013 EU28 pensioners [integrated for July 2016 CC] (19,000 people) 2015 No surveys [no changes to weights for July 2017 CC] 4
Recent surveys Planned surveys Spring 2016: 2: BG, HR Autumn 2016: 5: EL, ES, IT, AT, PT Spring 2017: (a) 6: DK, EE, LV, LT, FI, SE (b) 8: CZ, CY, HU, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK Autumn 2017: 1: BE To be integrated for the 2018 calculations Planned surveys 2018-2020: DE (2012), IE (2013), FR (2012), NL (2013), UK (2012) RETIRED staff (EU28) (2013) Extra-EU (144 duty stations) (2010)
Spring 2016 FBS surveys 2016 BG HR Total Staff 35 15 50 Replies 8 7 Response rate 22.9% 46.7% 30.0% BG: previous survey 2010. HR: no previous survey (joined 2013).
EU Organisations in FBS autumn 2016 Greece 7 cities EC, EP, FRONTEX, EU-Turkey Statements, CEDEFOP, EASO, ENISA, EU School Italy 8 cities EC, EP, EASO, EFSA, ETF, EUI, ERKC, FRONTEX, JRC, EU School Spain 5 cities EC, EP, EFCA, EU-OSHA, EUIPO, F4E, JRC, SatCen, EU School Austria Vienna EC, EP, FRA Portugal Lisbon EC, EP, EMSA, EMCDDA
2016 FBS survey population & replies EL IT Varese ES AT PT Total Staff 932 540 1880 1696 24 379 5451 Replies 74 40 116 254 18 130 632 Response rate 8% 7% 6% 15% 75% 34% 12% Additional replies CO staff 46 23 9 11 109 2008-2009 235 395 1000 840 36 430 2936 replies 82 32 319 85 2 67 587 35% 32% 10% 16% 34 19 53
EU Organisations in FBS spring 2017 CZ Prague EC, EP, GSA DK Copenhagen EC, EP, EEA, EU School EE Tallinn EC, EP, EU-Lisa, EU School CY Nicosia EC, EP LV Riga EC, EP, BEREC LT Vilnius EC, EP, EIGE HU Budapest EC, EP, CEPOL, EIT MT Valletta EC, EP, EASO PL Warsaw, Wroclaw EC, EP, FRONTEX RO Bucharest SI Ljubljana EC, EP, ACER SK Bratislava FI Helsinki EC, EP, ECHA, EU School SE Stockholm EC, EP, ECDC
2017 FBS survey population & replies Total-14 population 2336 Total-14 replies 632 = Response rate 27% 2017 FBS survey population & replies
1192 replies FBS BELGIUM autumn 2017 + 35000 staff (multiple organisations) … large and complex! Pre-launch to staff: 4 October (Intranet + e-mail with link to example survey questionnaire) Formal launch: 23 November (Ares, e-mail to all staff) On-line Survey: same as 2016-17 + some improvements Deadline: 22 December 1192 replies
Used for first calculations Processing of FBS 2016-2017 (ongoing) will combine with ISRP/CO results for calculation 1st July 2018 Country BE BG CZ DK EE EL ES HR IT Varese CY LV Staff 35000 35 135 219 65 932 1696 15 540 1880 14 38 Replies 1192 8 46 30 31 74 254 7 47 116 4 10 Response rate 3% 23% 34% 14% 48% 8% 15% 47% 7% 6% 29% 26% Used for first calculations 1151 29 68 252 40 98 9
Used for first calculations Processing of FBS 2016-2017 (ongoing) will combine with ISRP/CO results for calculation 1st July 2018 Country LT LU HU MT AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE Staff 65 12000 136 139 24 478 379 25 97 586 314 Replies 16 232 54 61 18 144 130 5 42 15 159 44 Response rate 25% 2% 40% 44% 75% 30% 34% 20% 43% 60% 27% 14% Used for first calculations 206 53 57 17 141 120 39 14 156
Some possible reasons for rejections - More than 50% of questions were left blank - Expenditure in relation to income is very high - Double recording - Extreme values recorded for individual items - Total expenditure is very low - More than 10 members in the household - Reside outside duty station - Dwelling unusually small (<20m2) or large (>500m2)
Updates made to the questionnaire in 2017 2 new questions added for the BE survey 11 Are non-alcoholic beverages expenditures (Q11) included in food expenditures (Q10 - Food) ? Yes/No - 88a Do you receive an education allowance from your Organisation ? Yes/No
Data processing tool Lots of efforts to improve the validation tool Updated to be in line with the questionnaire Now LIVE for processing of 2016 + 2017 data
Data protection notification Reference DPO-202.9 Secretariat-General maintains central register Eurostat Data Protection Officer new request Text update provided October 2017 Now clarifies treatment of FBS data
Thank you for your attention!