M.Sc.(ISE) Program Briefing Welcome Tea and M.Sc.(ISE) Program Briefing 14 January 2019
Schedule 5:30pm Tea Reception 6:00pm Program Briefing by A/Prof Ng Kien Ming 6:45pm Question and Answer Session
M.Sc.(ISE) Program Briefing Presented By A/Prof Ng Kien Ming M.Sc.(ISE) Program Manager
Master of Science (Industrial & Systems Engineering) One of the most competitive programs One out of about four applicants are admitted We think you are the better applicants! Try to do well in your studies here to prove that!
MSc(ISE) Degree Requirements Complete and pass 10 graduate modules with a Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of ≥ 3.0, consisting of (a) The 4 Compulsory Foundation Modules: IE5001 Operations Planning and Control I IE5002 Applied Engineering Statistics IE5003 Cost Analysis and Engineering Economy IE5004 Engineering Probability and Simulation (b) At least 4 ISE Elective Modules and up to 6 ISE Elective modules (c) Subject to approval, up to 2 modules may be taken outside the program
Period of Candidature Part Time Studies Full Time Studies Minimum 2 years (4 semesters) Maximum 4 years (8 semesters) Full Time Studies Minimum 1 year (2 semesters) Maximum 2 years (4 semesters) Inclusive of medical and approved leave.
Normal Study Work Load Application for Additional Module Part Time Students 2 modules per semester (minimum must take 1 module per semester) Full Time Students 4 modules per semester (minimum must take 3 modules per semester) Application for Additional Module Possible with good reasons and high CAP Subject to approval / vacancy Application form on the MSc(ISE) website
Leave of Absence (LOA) Leave of Absence for whole semester Up to 2 semesters of leave not counted towards the maximum candidature period Leave of Absence within semester Business trips, ICT, Medical, etc Max allowed: 3 weeks, 4 weeks if include NS duties Check with module lecturers on policy for missing classes, mid-terms, assignments etc How to apply LOA? Through EduRec at https://myedurec.nus.edu.sg/psp/cs90prd/?cmd=login
Area of Specialization (AOS) Operations Research Project Management Award of Specialization is subject to students attaining a high CAP of ≥ 3.5 and the passing of all required modules. Award of specialization is not automatic. Only formal request will be processed. Selection of AOS is not compulsory.
Area of Specialization (AOS) When to select AOS? During the online module registration period Where to check the AOS? Via Engineering Graduate Module Registration System (during online module registration period) Via EduRec – under Academic Tag, Sub-plan.
Waiver of Foundation Modules The 4 Compulsory Foundation Modules: IE5001 Operations Planning and Control I IE5002 Applied Engineering Statistics IE5003 Cost Analysis and Engineering Economy IE5004 Engineering Probability and Simulation Applicable to students who can demonstrate that they have gained enough knowledge in any of the above foundation modules in their undergraduate studies Exemptions and replacement modules are subject to department’s approval Only allowed to graduate with one AOS, regardless of no. of foundation modules waived
Waiver of Foundation Modules Deadline for submission: 21 January 2019 (Mon) 9am Documents for submission: Module Waiver Form https://www.isem.nus.edu.sg/msc_students/forms/module_waiver_form.pdf Transcript showing the past module(s) taken during the undergraduate studies, to appeal for exemption in any of the foundation module Module description of proposed alternative module
Grade and Grade Points CAP for M.Sc.(ISE) Graduation ≥ 3.0 B+ B B- C+ C D+ D F (Fail) Grade Point 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 CAP for M.Sc.(ISE) Graduation ≥ 3.0 Total MCs for Graduation ≥ 40 Note: A candidate who is absent for the examination of a module without a valid reason acceptable to the Board of Examiners will be given Grade F (Fail) for the module which he/she is absent for.
CAP Computation Each module is normally equivalent to 4 Modular Credits (MCs) CAP (Cumulative Average Point) = Average grade point of all modules taken Sum (Grade Point X MC) = Sum (MC) Graduate English courses (where applicable) are excluded from the CAP computation
Academic Standing Pass CAP ≥ 3.0 Academic Warning 2.5 ≤ CAP < 3.0 Academic Probation 1.5 ≤ CAP < 2.5 (for 1st instance) Academic Dismissal in the 1st semester of study, CAP <1.5 ; or for 2 consecutive semesters of study, CAP < 2.5 ; or For 3 consecutive semesters of study, CAP < 3.0
Scenarios of Academic Standing
Graduation Requirements Complete and pass at least 10 graduate modules inclusive of CORE modules with CAP ≥ 3.0 Students are allowed to do more than 40 MCs (10 modules) in their last semester only if their CAP falls below 3.0 Cannot repeat a module which has passed for the purpose of improving the grades Failed module: repeat or take an alternative module subject to approval. CORE modules must be repeated. Students must complete the requirements for the degree within the maximum period of candidature, failing which students will have the candidatures terminated. Obtain grade C or better for Graduate English Course (Intermediate) where applicable.
Online-Registration of Modules When? 14 January 2019 (9:00am) to 27 January 2019 (11:59pm) Where? https://myaces.nus.edu.sg/gseonline/ Link available from: http://www.isem.nus.edu.sg/msc_students/ 1st year students MUST take the two IE foundation modules and will be pre-registered by department before online module registration exercise. For those pursuing a general degree, you can choose up to 2 graduate modules from outside the Department. Approval needed from host department – submit application form to ISEM Dept by 21 January 2019 (9:00am).
[‘W’ denotes ‘withdrawn’; ‘F’ denotes ‘Fail’] Dropping a module Before 27 January 2019: add/drop without penalty 28 Jan 2019 – 3 March 2019: with W grade From 4 March 2019: with F grade (Fail) [‘W’ denotes ‘withdrawn’; ‘F’ denotes ‘Fail’]
Education Records System (EduRec) EduRec is a student administration system that integrates key activities of a student academic life cycle from admission, module registration, student financials and progression to graduation. Students are able to do the following in the Student Center via the EduRec: Academics – view class timetable, view enrolled modules, view exam timetable, view transfer credit report & view unofficial transcript and exam results Finances – View account summary (outstanding charges and posted payment), make payment, view/update bank account details, request for student bill/preliminary bill Personal Information – View/update personal information (official name, address, phone number, email, emergency contact, demographic information, etc) Other Functions – Apply for Leave of Absence, view “Holds”, etc [Navigation > Registrar’s Office Website page (http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/) > Under Current Students > NUS Student Information System]
Announcements - IMPORTANT! Most communications from the University to students will be via the official email account. As such, students are expected to check your NUS student email account regularly. Students are also expected to be aware of the latest notices/circulars that may be posted on the myPortal@nus [Navigation > Registrar’s Office Website http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/ > Under Current Students > Announcements]
Important & Useful Links: Online Engineering Graduate Module Registration System: https://myaces.nus.edu.sg/gseonline/ M.Sc.(ISE) Class Timetable: https://www.isem.nus.edu.sg/timetables/MSc/pdf/semester2.pdf M.Sc.(ISE) Students Website: https://www.isem.nus.edu.sg/msc_students/index.html ISEM Department Website: https://www.isem.nus.edu.sg/index.html Academic Calendar: http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/calendar.html Examination Timetable: https://myportal.nus.edu.sg/studentportal/academics/all/semester-2.html Registrar’s Office Website: http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/ NUS Campus Map: http://map.nus.edu.sg/
Master of Science (Industrial Systems Engineering and Managment) Programme Team: Programme Manager: A/Prof Ng Kien Ming : isenkm@nus.edu.sg Contact: 6516 5541 Programme Senior Executive : Ms Phuah Chew Har : isepchc@nus.edu.sg Contact: 6516 8726
Master of Science (Industrial Systems Engineering and Managment) Programme Team: Programme Assistant: Mr Tan Junwei : isetj@nus.edu.sg Contact: 6516 4607