2018 National Ski Patrol Membership Survey Results Summary January 11, 2019
Methodology Purpose/Goal About the survey Document feedback from NSP members About the survey 54 questions designed to examine: Push/Pull factors for involvement Benefits, social relationships, outdoor interests, etc. Use of NSP membership and/or training Summer involvement, emergency care credentials, member expectations Engagement in NSP organization Event attendance, voting participation, NSP programming interest and value Demographic information 1/11/19
Methodology About the sample: Survey sent to 32,090 NSP Members Total number of responses: 7,969 25% response rate Response sample is approximately proportionate to the overall makeup of NSP membership by Division Overrepresentation of Central division Underrepresentation of the Professional division 1/11/19
Why NSP? Motivational factors for Membership
Why NSP? Prominent motivations Personal/intrinsic Driven by a connection to the industry as a whole Secondary motivations Driven by a goal (i.e. training), benefits, or social connections/friends Tangible benefit like free skiing 1/11/19
Push/Pull Factors Largest share of respondents joined between the ages of 19-29, with decreasing shares as age increases 1/11/19
Push/Pull Factors 70% of respondents expressed interest in continuing to patrol for over 5 years The most frequent reason to stop was physical disability, followed distantly by not enough time and a change in family status 1/11/19
Push/Pull Factors 91% of responding members participate in Alpine Skiing Smallest shares of participation were in Snowboarding and Telemark 1/11/19
Benefits—Usage and Importance Important benefits are both tangible and intangible Pro Deals, Training and Certification, OEC Credentials Community with local patrol, Being part of the larger NSP community Pro deals are the most important, but Training and credentialing were also ranked highly, along with the community aspects of being a patroller/host 1/11/19
Benefits—Pro Deals In line with the high importance of pro deals to NSP members, 76% of respondents stated that they place at least on Pro Deal order per year 76% of respondents average at least one pro deal order per year Majority of respondents do not receive pro deals from any other organization 69% have used NSP online store in the last 3 years 1/11/19
Benefits—Ski Area Recognition such as awards or ski-area specific recognition Follow up question: Are there other benefits that you would like to have as a NSP member? Received 2,554 comments Standard benefits (health insurance, retirement, etc.) Recognition Access to free gear, maintenance, or rentals 1/11/19
NSP Usage and Patrol Patterns
NSP Usage and Patrol Patterns Majority of respondents patrolled or hosted between 11 and 40 days Low shares were active 1-10 days 1/11/19
Summer Usage Majority of respondents do not participate during the summer Of those who do utilize their OEC/OFC in Summer 16% for events (ToughMudder, BigAir, etc.) 11% “Other” comments included: volunteer EMS/EMT, Mountain Adventure Sports (Ziplining, Rafting, Guide Services), and Teaching 1/11/19
Emergency Care—Credentials Majority of respondents do not hold any credentials beyond OEC/OFC 9% “other” comments included: CPR/BLS/ALS, Wilderness First Responder, Physician Assistant, Physical/Respiratory Therapist, and various other credentials. 1/11/19
Emergency Care—Vacuum Mattress Majority of respondents (71%) stated that their patrol does not use vacuum mattresses 56% would not be opposed / 42% had no opinion 72% of respondents who do not use the vacuum mattress were unsure why not 1/11/19
NSP Organizational Engagement
Membership Value Membership was considered of moderate to high value by 82% of respondents 1/11/19
Engagement 1/11/19
NSP Events Most respondents report that they have attended OEC/OFC courses and refreshers. Overall, 18% of respondents state that they have not attended any of the listed events. 1/11/19
NSP Events - Powderfall Many respondents (19%) were unaware of Powderfall A few comments were gathered related to Powderfall. Several of these comments requested Powderfall to come to the Eastern regions, while other comments noted that the event was inaccessible to some members, or that information was difficult to obtain. 1/11/19
NSP Election 54% of respondents voted in the last NSP election 11% of respondents stated that they did not vote because of some other reason not listed 707 comments received New members/joined after Not enough info available Did not know the candidates Various specific reasons 1/11/19
NSP Program Participation 60% planned to participate in some certifications in the next few years Highest interests were for senior and avalanche programs, followed by OET and MTR 1/11/19
Interest in Senior Program 1/11/19
Interest in Avalanche Program 1/11/19
NSP Courses 10% “Other” received 367 comments: Search and Rescue Incident Command Active Shooters Backcountry/Backcountry Rescue Lift Evacuation 1/11/19
NSP Courses by Division 1/11/19
NSP Courses by Age 1/11/19
NSP Program Satisfaction 1/11/19
NSP Program Satisfaction Follow up question: Please elaborate as to why NSP programs do or do not meet your needs. Received 787 comments from individuals responding no or some: Requesting more resources for OEC Further medical training Scheduling conflicts Issues with online courses Low awareness of available programs Various specific concerns 1/11/19
Ski Area Relations Generally positive relationship with ski area management 1/11/19
Ski Patrol Magazine 64% regularly read SPM Primary interests are in technical skills and industry specific news 324 “Other” comments Recognition and best practices Equipment/Gear reviews Events 1/11/19
NSP Involvement Climate change and public lands issues are of interest to NSP members 1/11/19
Membership Cards A little less than half of respondents do not use physical NSP membership card Of those who use the card, it is used while visiting other resorts, taking refresher courses, and to obtain discounts, along with other specific uses Majority of respondents do not support a $5 fee 1/11/19
Demographics 1/11/19
Occupation 1/11/19
Profile Preferences Most did not have an objection to providing gender or date of birth in online profile 1/11/19
Observations/Conclusions Strong response rate shows engaged membership Most intend to continue patrolling Benefits are both tangible and intangible Reasons for joining include love of skiing and a desire to help others High satisfaction with NSP programs Interest in pursuing certifications Positive relationship with resort management Climate change and public lands issues are of interest to NSP members 1/11/19
Thank You! RRC Associates