Learning Map for Year 6: Spring 2019 It’s All Greek To Me!


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Map for Year 6: Spring 2019 It’s All Greek To Me! Please encourage your child to read each day Understand computer networks including the internet. Understand how search technologies are selected and ranked. Create a professional PowerPoint presentation on Greek history. Writing Outcomes Information posters Letters Annotated Storyboards Diaries Speeches Notes for debate Storytelling Newspaper Articles Character development in ‘The Adventures of the Odysseus’. Selecting the appropriate register for the audience and purpose for their writing. Describing settings, characters and atmosphere. Integrating dialogue Assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing. Living Things and their Habitats (continued) Gymnastics Circuit Training/Fitness Science Computing English PE Electricity Associating the brightness of a lamp or volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. Comparing and giving reasons for variations in how components function. Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit diagram. Using passive and modal verbs. Using a wide range of clause structures. Using expanded noun phrases. Using inverted commas accurately. Using punctuation for parenthesis. Name and classify quadrilaterals Know angle sums for 2D shapes Illustrate and name parts of circles Draw 2D shapes using given dimensions and angles Year 6 It’s All Greek To Me! History Ancient Greece Exploring the Greek myth – ‘The Adventures of the Odysseus’. Greek gods and goddesses Sources and statements Solving practical problems and justifying answers with reasoning Place value in 7-digit numbers Column subtraction Short and long multiplication Addition and subtraction of fractions Multiplication and division of fractions Mental strategies Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 RE Maths Buddhist Temple Trip British Museum Trip Junior Citizen Trip Lavender Hill Magistrates Court Trip What does it mean to be a Buddhist? How Buddhists live their lives through their faith. How the teachings of Buddhism are arranged through the eight-fold path, four noble truths, symbols and five precepts. Children will learn about the Sangha (Buddhist community) and Dharma (ultimate truth). Find percentages of amounts including money Converting decimals to fractions Identify the value of each digit in decimals