Cauvery InternationalSchool Kindergarten Round-UP march 8, 2014
Agenda Welcome Introductions Presentation Break-out Sessions Fine/Gross Motor Readiness Skills Math Readiness Skills Reading/Writing Readiness Skills
Kindergarten Program Academic Instruction Fine & Gross Motor Development Exposure to Extra Curricular Areas- “Specials” Social and Emotional Development These components are in both the half day and full day programs. (The full day program receives more time in each area.)
Additional Programs & Services Reading Specialist Counselors and Social Workers Special Education Programs Speech and Language Therapy Resource Room Hearing Impaired Center Program Pre-School Center
Additional Programs & Services Indian Education SmartTeaching Physical & Occupational Therapy
Assessment Assessment drives our instruction. Formal assessments include tests, short answer questions, multiple choice questions, true and false questions Informal assessments include group or individual projects, journal writing, oral discussions, and keeping notes or checklists on individual children.
Kindergarten Snapshot Parents/Guardians will be contacted to schedule a time in early May for their child to be assessed. The assessment will provide us with information about your child that will help us design instruction that is targeted to your child’s needs. The results will also inform you as a parent what skills need to be worked on over the summer.
SPECIAL CLASSES Cauvery Currently Has 5 Special Classes for Kindergarten, which are: Physical Education 45 minutes Library Circulation 45 minutes Art 45 minutes Health 45 minutes Music 45 minutes
Cauvery Discipline Works Prevention creates more Positive than negative consequences Reinforcement (success) Punishment (Failure) 4 : 1
Kindergarten Report Cards Our kindergarten students are assessed in the following areas: reading, oral language, handwriting, characteristics of successful learners, fine motor development, science and social studies.
Technology Types of Technology Interactive Whiteboards Computers Laptops Smart class Projectors Cameras Distance Learning Equip./Virtual Field Trips Security Cameras and Secure Entrances
Students Development Method
The end