Scenarios and Vision for the European Territory in 2050


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Presentation transcript:

Scenarios and Vision for the European Territory in 2050 Andreu Ulied, MCRIT, Lead Partner ESPON Territorial Scenarios and Vision for 2050 ESPON MC 3rd December 2013 Vlinius 1

National EuropeanTerritorial Strategies and Visions

Global Cities (ARE)

Intercontinental Maritime Links

Territorial Megatrends towards 2050 Growing world Megalopolis in Emerging markets Increasing Trade with Asia and Latinoamerica Progress on ICT, Energy and Transport technologies Increasing Migration/Mobility (N/S, E/W, R/U...)

Spatial orientation of Extreme Framework conditions Exploratory Scenarios for 2010-2050 Spatial orientation of the scenarios Extreme Framework conditions Baseline 1 Economic decline 2 Technologic progress 3 Energy/ Climate Costs Promotion of global regions A0 A1 A2 A3 Promotion of large urban regions B0 B1 B2 B3 Promotion of rural and peripheral regions C0 C1 C2 C3

Which Scenario is best for Convergence? Cohesion: Reduction of disparities in CoV of GDP/capita 1981-2051 2007 Crisis B2 C2

Scenarios 2050: Scenario Variants GDP 1981-2051 (1981=100) 2007 Crisis B2 C2 8 (working documents) Further information: (working documents) 9