WHY DBK BREAK FIX SERVICE? DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Customer Interphase W ebservices…a computer driven data exchange process ServTrack webportal… a 24/7 RMA entry and order status lookup Phone access…customer service response DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs DBK’s system identifies the account and starts the workflow process according to the customers needs Outsourced work is identified and all paperwork is processed with customer information not DBK information DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Every unit’s serial number is scanned in Asset number Or any other id required by customer at receiving time Units and accessories are moved from receiving area to warehouse same day as receiving occurs. DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Warehouse put away orders to be repaired in warehouse allocated space Computer generated report selects orders to be repaired base on priorities Priorities are based on service level agreement DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Repair order is printed and a device and paper work is assigned to a technician Technician accepts (through pass worded system)work order by entering work order number in to DBK’s repair system. Technician reviews customers notes and repair history if history is available Technician repairs device and loads customer application if required DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Technician assigns parts used to work order number and serial number of device Technician releases repaired unit to Quality Control department by placing his or her finger in a biometric reader that takes the work order and re-assigns it to Quality Control. DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Quality control performs All units are cleaned using organic cleaning liquids Visual check Functional check Application version check Radio check when applicable Passes or fails the devices by using the biometric process of scanning the finger print into the next location DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Pre-ship All units are checked to match paper work All notes are checked for last minute shipping instruction changes All units are packed in individual plastic bags. DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Shipping all units are placed in boxes with foam in place as the packing material used. Safe packing Environmentally safe packing material Ship using customers preferred carrier DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs DBK software control process does not allow any steps to be skipped during the repair process as it disables that do not follow the process sequence. DBK provide 24/7 visibility into the repair process and asset tracking by providing the customer with a secured web portable that allows the customer to view and monitor the progress of each order. 24/7 web portal RMA process online DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Software controlled flow process of repairs Reporting capabilities Shipping reports Receiving reports Repeat repair reports Usage reports Trending reports Metrics reports DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!
Thank You!!!!!!! DBK reacts to business problems at the speed of business!!!