Third Grade Newsletter GIFTED GAZETTE 4.7 May 7th – May 11th What we’re learning this week… Test & Graded Assignments Schedule Reading: This week we will… FINISH reading School Story by Andrew Clement Complete SCHOOL STORY response log Solve the Mona List Inferencing Mystery Language/Writing/Vocabulary: This week we will… Orange Vocabulary Workshop Review pages 100-105 Mentor Sentence skill Write 5 paragraph letter to a future third grader: introduction, topic sentences with details, closing (started before LEAP) presentations to second graders will be next week. Spelling: utilize dictionary/thesaurus/ references and refer to list of “non-negotiable” words in writing portfolio Math: This week we will… PLAN our VACTION Project Math Superstars enrichment Math Mystery assignment (review of skills) Project of the Week (P.O.W.): Water Park Design – Language grade for creativity, collaboration, and completion due next FRIDAY 5/18! Reading: SCHOOl STORY classwork response log due on THURSDAY Language: Mentor Sentence editing test on THURSDAY 5/10 Orange Vocabulary Workshop: pages 100-105 answers due on loose-leaf by THURSDAY 5/10 (class time provided) Letter to future 3rd grader due WEDNESDAY 5/9 (class time provided/may be typed in computer lab or home) Math: PLAN A VACTION PROJECT DUE THURSDAY 5/10 SUMMERTIME skills pages due THURSDAY 5/10 DATES: May 7-11~ Teacher & Cafeteria Appreciation Week May 8~ PTA meeting at 6:30pm May 9~ Chorus Performance 9:30am, 6:30pm May 10~ PTA Teacher Luncheon May 11~ Passage Day (3rd grade) May 14~ Junior Achievement Day (3rd grade) May 15~ Family Dine Out May 16~ Kinder Bell Program 9:30am May 17~ Bingo Night A note from the teachers We could not have been more proud of our students during LEAP week. We know they gave it their all and brought their ‘A’ game. Thank you for supporting and encouraging them!! Let’s FINISH STRONG as we wrap up this school year. May is a very busy month…please keep track of the school events and assignment due dates. We have some fun, engaging projects planned and we will continue recording grades through next week. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Passage Day! Ms. Morrison & Ms. Doescher