Nature in the bible pop quiz
1. ) Teach the children to see Christ in nature 1.) Teach the children to see Christ in nature. Take them into the open air, under the noble trees, into the garden; and in all the wonderful woods of creation teach them to see an expression of His love. Teach them that He made the laws which govern all living things . . . through nature’s object lessons teach them _________.” E G White; Desire of Ages p 516. Obedience to the law of God Hardwork and perseverance Patience and understanding God’s grace and love.
2 – 3 ) Mentioned places of nature in Psalms 23.
4.) Give a verse from the Bible with a type of bird mentioned on it.
5. ) What is the memorial of Creation? The tree of Life The Sabbath Adam and Eve The serpent
6.) What was created on the fourth day of creation?
7.) Isaiah 55:12; When you are set free, you will celebrate and travel home in peace. _______________________will sing as you pass by and trees will clap.
8.) And don’t worry about your clothes. Look at the _______ and how they grow.’ Matthew 6:28.
9. ) How sweet are thy words unto my taste 9.) How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than __________ to my mouth! Proverbs 119:103
10-15. ) Give 6 fruits of the Holy Spirit.
1. ) Teach the children to see Christ in nature 1.) Teach the children to see Christ in nature. Take them into the open air, under the noble trees, into the garden; and in all the wonderful woods of creation teach them to see an expression of His love. Teach them that He made the laws which govern all living things . . . through nature’s object lessons teach them _________.” E G White; Desire of Ages p 516. Obedience to the law of God Hardwork and perseverance Patience and understanding God’s grace and love.
2 – 3 ) Mentioned places of nature in Psalms 23. green pastures quiet waters valley
4.) Give a verse from the Bible with a type of bird mentioned on it.
5. ) What is the memorial of Creation? The tree of Life The Sabbath Adam and Eve The serpent
6. ) What was created on the fourth day of creation 6.) What was created on the fourth day of creation? - Sun, moon and stars
7.) Isaiah 55:12; When you are set free, you will celebrate and travel home in peace. Mountains and hills will sing as you pass by and trees will clap.
8. ) And don’t worry about your clothes 8.) And don’t worry about your clothes. Look at the lilies and how they grow.’ Matthew 6:28.
9. ) How sweet are thy words unto my taste 9.) How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Proverbs 119:103
10-15. ) Give 6 fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit Love - meekness Joy - temperance Peace Long-suffering Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control