Morality and the Modern World The relationship between religion and moral values. -The Euthyphro Dilemma -Divine Command Theory -Religious Morality 2. Guiding Principles of Morality. -Kantian Ethics. -Utilitarianism.
Who can use these guiding principles of morality? Kantian Ethics Utilitarianism
Answers Secularists. B. Ancient philosophers. C. Religious people. D. Higher RMPS Students. E. All of the above.
How might a Christian make a moral decision?
How might a Christian make a moral decision? Read the Bible- different ways to interpret texts. Use of reason. Ask the religious community for advice. Ask people with religious authority e.g. minister, priest or Pope. Faith – listen to prayers, vision of God. Look back through tradition e.g. how Christians of the past have acted.
Christianity + Kantian Ethics Read page 35-36. Note at least 4 main points.
Christianity + Kantian Ethics Christians have a duty to follow 10 Commandments or the teachings of Jesus. ‘Love one another’ can be seen as a universal categorical imperative. What Christians believe they ‘ought’ to do can involve contradictions. Respect for persons .e.g. Made in Gods image, everyone to be treated with respect. Reason – interpretation of texts.
Christianity + Utilitarianism Read page 27 Note down at least 4 main points.
Christianity + Utilitarianism Jesus sacrifice of himself for everybody else could be example of Utilitarian Act. Christian ethics of War e.g. soldiers may die for the safety of majority. Self –sacrifice for the greater good. Christians would be concerned with minority. Using reason may consider utilitarian principles.