Growth Mindset at Danestone Primary School Wednesday 14 November 2018
You will have a couple of minutes to practice juggling Activity Juggling! You will have a couple of minutes to practice juggling
Review How did you feel when I told you that we were going to be juggling? Were you ready for the challenge? Or were you thinking how you could leave? What sort of vocabulary describes how you felt? Nervous or excited I can’t I’m no good at that! Great! I’ve always wanted to juggle I think I will have a go at this When faced with something new, we all still, even as adults, develop a mindset when it comes to new challenges and experiences. We all have experienced times where we have found things tricky or succeeded easily. Our mindset towards new learning can influence how we learn new things and how we can apply it into new situations. This is the same for our learners when they are faced with new challenges in class.
What is Growth Mindset? The term ‘growth mindset’ refers to a way of thinking, learning and taking on challenges. A person with a growth mindset is open to exploring new learning, seeks out challenges, reflects and uses feedback and can show resilience and perseverance towards their learning. Having a Growth Mindset supports us in all aspects of learning as it gives us the motivation to learn and develop our confidence in all areas of the curriculum.
Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset Characteristics Characteristics Intelligence is fixed Avoid or fear challenges Give up when things are tough Make excuses- can’t do attitude Don’t try so you won’t fail Refuse to learn from mistakes Characteristics Intelligence can be developed Embrace challenges Keep trying in the tough times Remember success takes work Learn from mistakes Listens to feedback and learn from mistakes
Our Aims at Danestone Primary School We noticed that some children are struggling with showing resilience when they are faced with new learning and challenges As part of our PEF interventions, we are using Growth Mindset to support learners across the school We are developing our teaching and learning around Growth Mindset to promote A love for learning and self improvement Develop learners confidence to seek out challenges and extend learning Support children to understand that challenges and mistakes are a part of the learning process Emotional resilience I have been working with the upper stages classes and Mrs Blair has been working in the lower stages. Our sessions have laid the foundations for developing our learners Growth Mindsets in classes. During our sessions we have discussed vocabulary, the terms growth and fixed mindsets and which one they are, famous failures and what we can learn from them. Class Teachers this term are continuing to extent this during their Health and Wellbeing activities in class.
How can you develop a Growth Mindset at Home? Praise Be a Growth Mindset Role Model Taking the easy route Envy of peers Praise – Ensure you praise the effort and the persistence your child shows to complete the task. Often we can get bogged down with the time it takes us to complete tasks. Perseverance is essential in all parts of our learning process. Role Model- Often we can hear ourselves saying, I’ve never been good at maths or I am a terrible runner. If you find yourself saying these things, trying adding in ‘yet’ to your sentence. Show your child that you also have a can do attitude! Easy route – Challenges help to give our brains a work out, extends our learning and helps to make sure its embedded in our memory Envy – We’ve all been there before, wishing we could be like someone else and wondering why they can do something so easily while we cant. Speak to your child about what they can learn from others that appear more successful. Most often its down to perseverance, practice and hard work
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