VoiceD Midway High-Fi Prototype Ayushi Chandaria| Chloe Keilers| Haotian Sun| Lilly Zhou https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c5/91/37/c59137b02967169ea3a30b4bd168cab0--marry-me-proposal.jpg
Lilly Z Ayushi C Haotian S Chloe K OUR TEAM
“Learning a new language is now just a phone call away.” Mission Statement “Learning a new language is now just a phone call away.” - VoicEd
INtroduction to Problem Formal language learning focuses on the reading and writing element and hence language learners often struggle to develop confidence in actually speaking the language
Solution VoicED focuses on teaching languages by developing conversational confidence in a fun and safe space
OVERVIEW OF THE PRESENTATION Talk about what features and existing project design we did and did not modify based on the heuristic evaluation feedback Justifications to the modifications Talk about our current standing with VoicED project Challenges we are facing
Heuristic Evaluation Results
Heuristic Violations of Severity 3 & 4 We Violated H2 Match Between System and Real World The header on the main page says “Good morning” in the learning language no matter what time of day it is H5 Error Prevention In the calendar menu, when a user is trying to schedule a call, they do not know how to “confirm” their appointment H2 Match Between System and Real World The label “call setup” made it unclear that pressing the big phone button was going to start a call right there. User could think they are still in “setup” mode. H7 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Flashcards do not automatically move along even when user gets one right. This would trip up users using voice for flashcards
Heuristic Violations of Severity 3 & 4 We Violated H3 User Control and Freedom Back button goes all the way back to the home screen instead of just one screen back H2 Match Between System and Real World The progress screen doesn’t really make sense. All it says is “overall progress” with a slider bar S10 Use responses as a way to help users discover what is possible The system should ask the user more questions instead of making statements during the conversation, to push the user to practice more vocabulary and grammar H9 Help Users Recognize, Diagnose and Recover from Errors If user accidentally clicks on one of the icons at the bottom then click back on the icon user had been using, the progress in the previous section does not save H2 Match Between System and Real World Can we reword “current language” in the settings menu? Wasn’t quite sure what “current language” meant / wasn’t a fan of the word choice.
Heuristic Violations of Severity 3 & 4 We Violated H9 Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors On task 2, the user can eventually start a call without having chosen a set of flashcards, which can lead to errors or frustration, and there seems to be no instructions to avoid this from happening H2. Match between system and the real world On the schedule page with the calendar, when the user goes to set a call time, the time does not indicate whether it is AM or PM. In order to match how a user would schedule a meeting in real life or in other apps, this should be included. S12 Confirm input intelligently Users might not know if what they said was correct if they are not looking at the UI. This also applies to the flashcards S17 Allow users to exit from errors or a mistaken conversation There is no way to exit from a conversation if you get down the wrong path
Overview of Revised Design
What we modified and why The header on the main page now says “Welcome” based language selected Reason: We choose the word “welcome” so that we do not have to consider what time of the day anymore There is now a confirm button when a user wants to schedule a phone call Reason: We fix this error because without a confirm button, VoicED wouldn’t know when a user finish scheduling the call There is now an instruction that guides users to schedule a phone call Reason: We fix this error because without an instruction, users, especially those who are new to using VoicED, may experience frustration when they try to set up a call. Back buttons no longer go all the way back to home screen Reason: It is a waste of user’s time to take them back to home screen when they do not wish to be in the home screen Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua David did not allow us to take his picture
What we modified and why Progress tracker is no longer in the app Reason: Users may feel discouraged to keep learning if they have practiced so much, but the progress tracker still indicates that their language skills are poor “Current Language” is now changed to “Select your language” Reason: The term “current language” is very vague. We fix this error because we want our users to understand what they need to do in the app right a way without giving too much thoughts Now all progress of flashcards is saved Reason: If the progress of the flashcards is not saved, users are required to finish a set of flashcards in one setting. Is some cases, users need to redo the same flashcards. This is quite inconvenient and impractical for real-world application. There is now a “cancel” button in the phone call page Reason: We fix this error because if a user accidentally makes the phone call, there is no way to exit from a conversation if they get down the wrong path Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua David did not allow us to take his picture
What we did not modify and why Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua Scheduled calls remain on the main page Although right now when users click on any scheduled calls on the list and nothing shows up, we decided keep it this way. Eventually our app will be able to let users modify the call schedule when they click on it. The turtle icon will still be there Reason: an image of a turtle is a universal sign for “slow down”. We think this sign will help a lot more users, including illiterate ones, to understand what is being asked to do than using the word “SLOW”. David did not allow us to take his picture
Task 1 Flashcard
Flashcard: Use the flash card to learn the new word. Flipping animation for Flashcards User can edit words on the cards User can delete words on the cards Multiple choice and Flashcard features combined Only the right choice would flip the card
Task 2 Phone Call
Phone Call: Make a phone call with the virtual assistant. All scheduled calls are recorded User can delete any schedule calls Cancel button and End Call button
Task 3 Schedule
Schedule: set a reminder to make a phone call to you. The welcome changes based on language selected Now have “confirm” button Everything in one page - easy to set up calls Message that confirms the call has been scheduled
Unimplemented Features/Plan
-Plan to put an image for the app Need to create a fully functional phone call conversation feature with VoicED Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua _Need more translation of different languages Need to create a database of words for flashcards _Need to save user information like names and emails David did not allow us to take his picture
Wizard of OZ Technique
Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua We still need to use human voice to represent voice interaction feature of the app for testing. David did not allow us to take his picture
Hard - CodeD Data Conversation between users and VoicED Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua Hard - CodeD Data Translation of different Languages in the app David did not allow us to take his picture
Some Issues we are Facing Not sure how to incorporate actual voice interaction in the app Not sure how to create a calendar from scratch on Xcode for call scheduling Hence, why we are using a pickerDate element for users to schedule calls
Test 2 Like the feature of the phone call Ingredients Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Preparation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et Dolore magna aliqua Like the feature of the phone call Would like to create own flashcard Need a tutorial to explain the calendar task
Summary Users can now schedule a call on our app and it works 100% However, we still need to implement the voice interaction part of the app
Summary A brief and instructive tutorial is necessary Let the users know the use case of each task and the importance of each feature Need to work on the details of each task
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