Chapter 6 Group Leadership
Introduction A healthy body of literature Leadership study or “ego gratification?” Chapter goals: Definitions of leadership Discuss how to gain and retain leadership Explore several perspectives on what constitutes effective group leadership that have evolved from one another
Defining leadership Leadership is a leader-follower influence process, directed toward positive change that reflects mutual purposes of group members and is largely accomplished through competent communication. Exercising influence Dependent on such factors as status, authority, personality, communication skills, and others Credibility Competence and character (Aristotle) Perceived expertise, trustworthiness, goodwill, etc. Partnership Connotations for “follower”
Defining Leadership Leadership is a process and not a person There is no one-size-fits-all leader-follower relationship Differences between a leader and a manager Positions of authority Altering status quo Leadership implies change Leadership as a transformational practice Charisma
Developing Leadership Things to avoid: Be tardy or absent for important meetings Be uninformed about an issue impacting the group Embrace apathy (for oneself or the group) Dominate conversation Listen poorly Be rigid and inflexible Bully others Use offensive and abusive language
Perspectives on effective leadership Trait Perspective - “The Born Leader” Styles Perspective – Many different styles/orientations Autocratic Democratic Laissez-faire Situational perspective – Matching styles to different situations Telling style (high task, low relationship) Selling style (high task, high relationship) Participating style (low task, high relationship) Delegating style (low task, low relationship)