INTRODUCTION Population growth is the data collected to estimate how many people are living on Earth. Over the years governments make sure to register every single person when they are born, and therefor see how much our populace is growing. Population growth does not only consist of how many people are born every year, but also how many people die. Right now we are at the highest population rate since people started recording, at 7.4 billion people We were able to calculate and understand population growth using exponents and logarithms. We will analyze graphs and clarify how the work and how to read them. For example: - how we get exponential growth when we have A positive increase in the ’growth per capita’ rate. What signs we use to represent exponential growth and logarithms
SOURCES OF POPULATION DATA indicators of the various information of population like birth, death, migration, age, sex, religion, language, occupation, etc. help to formulate and implement the various policies and planning in a country Economic, social, cultural and political development takes place on the basis of the data Population data can be found from various sources
On the basis of the nature of data, they can be classified into two groups: Primary sources: Hand data -> census, vital registration, sample survey, administrative records, population register, etc… Secondary sources: Data -> individual person, organizations, agencies, books, journals, magazines, annual reports, etc… Most frequently used resources: Census Vital registration Sample surveys Administrative records
CENSUS main source of demographic data total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining at a specified time to all persons in a country or in a well-delimited territory of a country. can be conducted on the basis of two methods: De facto method -> method conducted at night on the basis of usual place of residence. It is also called “one-night enumeration” -> possible in urban areas of countries with highly educated people. De jure method -> method conducted on the basis of permanent place of residence. It is considered as more practical and scientific -> also called “period enumeration”.
VITAL REGISTRATION SYSTEM (VRS) also known as Civil Registration System recording of birth and death is vital registration In this system, various vital events like birth, death, marriage, divorce and migration are recorded.
SAMPLE SURVEY Complete national enumeration is conducted in the survey. Data are collected in only some selected household and population in order to deduce the characteristics of the entire population. The sample survey has the following operational processes: Determination of objectives Determination of samples and methodology Questionnaire design Training and pre-testing of tools Finalization of tool Collection of data Editing and coding Data entry into computer and processing Tabulation and analysis Publication of final reports
ADMINISTRATION RECORDS Administrative records are the information on population collected by different administrative authorities. Some of the administrative records are as follows: List of citizenship Telephone directory Voter’s list Taxpayer’s list List of electricity consumers List of school students, etc
EXPONENTIAL GROWTH general equation N = population size T = time r = per capita rate of increase dN and dT = growth rate of pop. at a given instant r (per capita growth rate) does not change equation:
LOGISTIC GROWTH r (per capita rate of increase) gets smaller as the population becomes bigger reaching its maximum size S-shaped curve in the graph Pop. gets smaller because of the limited resources from the environment -> carrying capacity (K) equation:
GRAPHS Human population growth over the last 1000 years. x-axis, years, y-axis, estimated population. The population has increased by 96%. Simple graph Another graph showing human population growth. More specific. Show the population growth over a longer period of time. x-axis, y-axis.