Domestication and Uses of the Dog


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Presentation transcript:

Domestication and Uses of the Dog Jade Cisney

Timeline 30,000 years ago 9,000 years ago 1983 1950s 1927 1899 1943 1957 Present

30,000 Years Ago Dogs are descendants from wild wolves, looking at DNA from ancient breeds, they came from Europe and Asia and eventually ended up in America. it’s likely dogs evolved from wolves that began hanging around human camps, scavenging their scraps. Those wolves that were tamer and less aggressive would have been more successful.

Hunting Dogs 20,000 years ago Terriers Gun Dogs Hounds When early humans were still hunter-gatherers and agriculture had not yet even been invented! In fact, dogs are thought to be the first animals humans domesticated, before cows and sheep. Terriers Gun Dogs Hounds

9,000 Years Ago Canine Breeding began with herding dogs in the Near East. Work dogs were actually designed in Siberia at least 9,000 years ago, based on fossil carbon dating and the shape of the bones. There has been evidence of a breeding program indicating dogs were designed for specific functions. The dogs appear to have been bred in two sizes for two different tough jobs, the smaller size was used for pulling a sled and the larger size was thought to be used for hunting large animals.

Law Enforcement Dogs 1899 In 1899, in Ghent, Belgium, police started formally training dogs for police work. This enhanced the popularity of using dogs for police work. By 1910, Germany had police dogs in over 600 of their largest cities. In the 1970’s the use of dogs in law enforcement took a foothold in the United States.

1943 Sentry dogs in WWII warfare. Worked mainly in the dark Gave warning signs by growling, alerting or barking. military organizations such as coastal fortifications, harbor defenses, arsenals, ammunition dumps, airfields, depots and industrial plants The largest group of sentry dogs (3,174) were trained in 1943 and issued to the Coast Guard for beach patrols guarding against enemy submarine activities.

1950’s Dog breeds vary in popularity. In the 1890s, Saint Bernards were the No. 1 breed but since the 1990s, Labrador Retrievers have been the favorite. Russian researcher Dmitri K. Belyaev started a 40 year experiment that lead to “when dogs and people gaze into each other’s eyes, the same hormone is released in both the humans and the dogs”.

Laika The Space Dog 1957 The stray husky-spitz mix became a part of history as the first living creature to orbit the Earth. Laika rode a rocket into Earth orbit, 2,000 miles above Moscow streets she knew. It was only revealed in 2002 that the first dog in space actually died only a few hours after launch, due to overheating.

1983 All Herding breeds share an instinctual ability to control the movement of other animals. These breeds were developed to gather, herd and protect livestock. Herding Dogs

1927 Dogs being trained as guides for blinded veterans of World War I.The Seeing Eye is a research leader in canine genetics, breeding, disease control and behavior. The organization is a founding member of the Council of U.S. Guide dog Schools and a fully accredited member of the International Guide Dog Federation. The Seeing Eye

Present Dogs are all over the world and are used for multiple purposes. It all differs from dog breeding all the way up until putting these breeds in their work fields. They are used widely for pets, they are loving for families and a major help throughout the community.